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These are both giant companies that exist only to make money. They're not a person with feelings and emotions. They're a company whose job is to suck money out of your wallet and put it into the wallets of shareholders. That is literally the only thing they care about. That is why they exist. Acting like one is better than the other, on a moral or ethical level, is just total nonsense.

With that said, it is reasonable to support or oppose specific actions of a big company. In this case, Sony is trying to sic government on their competitor in order to protect their market position. I don't see how any reasonable human can support this. It is a giant company using government to help them suck more money out of your pocket.

Will Microsoft also use government to help them suck more money out of your pocket? Of course they will, when given the opportunity. They're a giant company that doesn't give a fuck about you. But, *in this specific case*, they are the ones with the morally and ethically sound position. They are trying to fight off government that is being wielded by a big business. This is objectively the right side to be on in this case.

People that are cheering on Sony here are making themselves look ridiculous. They are literally cheering on corporatism, one of the worst things that we deal with in modern society.