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NobleTeam360 said:

Well, regulators (or it might just be the FTC?) have defined Xbox and PS as their own market. So it makes sense why they're only using Xbox+PS. Plus I'm pretty sure if they included Nintendo their market share numbers would dwindle to even lower percentages.

The is a reason regulators want to discount Nintendo. They scuttle their entire argument. The Switch is the 3rd best selling game system of all time and it's never had a Call of Duty title. Nintendo's success flies in the face of their narrative that CoD is required for success. Sony was the a far larger company when it entered the industry and leveraged that to great success. As of yet, MS hasn't been able to do the same after over two decades in the console space. They used Sony's playbook but haven't had the same results. I really hate having to defend MS because I don't like all this industry consolidation. However Sony's position and that of most regulators don't hold water. You can't ignore something because it doesn't fit your narrative. Sony is acting like the kid that cries and takes the ball home when the game isn't going their way.