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Age isn’t particularly relevant. The two main things that will lower your game time are University and kids.

University is more severe but temporary and usually has to do with an intense social and dating life—once you get your life straightened out - job, wife, house, savings and investments - your motivation to game will return.

Kids is more of a time availability thing rather than motivation. It doesn’t matter if it’s one kid or five, it’s about the same amount of time; the age of your kids is probably the most relevant factor, but the first kid is the most time consuming, but you kind of get a hang of managing your time after a bit. While some people can blow through 250 hours of a game in under a month, that’ll probably take a good 6-12 months after you have kids.

From personal experience: I’ve found that sometimes it’s good to disconnect from gaming if you’re going overboard (like I recently did with Dwarf Fortress and Victoria 3) as I find gaming addiction demotivates me in other aspects of life, and I tend to fall short in my goals. That’s just me, though. I’m sure other types of people can manage to find great success without having to put games down periodically. Although, anyone else finding themselves falling behind in goals: career, social, romantic, family, house and property related, etc… you might want to consider my recommendation of periodic gaming disconnects. If you find you can’t put games down, then there exists proof of the addiction.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.