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SKMBlake said:

Shadow1980 said:

Even with the lackluster holidays, the XBS was still up YoY every month in 2022 except June (which saw a massive restock in Series X units in 2021; it's when I bought mine in-store at GameStop), but its overall performance is being held back by the holidays, and that is almost certainly because of MS not being able to meet full demand, not just of the Series but of the Series X as well.


This is gonna be your 2020 covid bump all over again.

Come on man, a response like this to a post with significant effort put into it only discourages high quality discussion. The last thing this place needs is for users like him to decide to not bother putting a lot of effort into their posts anymore or stop posting all together. 

Last edited by Norion - on 16 February 2023