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Spade said:

AI really be progressing way too fast... so many problems I can see arise in the next 5 years sadly.

Yeah, the governments really need to be working quickly to pass laws here, AI needs to be regulated and fast. We have people making AI generated porn of celebrities without their consent, porn that looks pretty damn realistic from what I hear. We have this voice AI here that sounds so convincingly like Todd Howard that you honestly think you are hearing him talk at a Bethesda E3 conference. We have people trying to pass off and sell AI generated art as their own.

AI generation that is this potent could easily be used to have public figures make fake statements that defame them, which in the current climate of cancel culture, could get those public figures cancelled over a fake AI generated statement they never made, and by the time they prove it's a fake AI generated statement, the negative public opinion will already be embedded so deep their reputation will face lasting damage over it. It can be used to make fake addresses of politicians or news broadcasters, spreading fake news all over the place.

If these voice AI's keep improving at the rate they have been, they will replace more and more call center and home caller jobs than they have already replaced, putting millions of call employees worldwide out of business. We have Taco Bell and McDonalds currently testing mostly robotic locations, where there are only like 2 actual employees present and the rest of the work is done by robots, if they are happy with the profit figures on those test locations these store designs could spread across most of their locations in the coming decades, replacing many millions of entry level fast food jobs (I believe there are around 4m fast food employees in the US alone currently). And there are other jobs that are going to be gradually getting replaced more and more by AI and robotics in the coming decades. AI and robotics are going to cause so many issues soon if we don't start putting in some work to regulate them and limit the damage they will cause.