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Personally I was hoping that Tango would take a break from split teams and all come together under Mikami for his final pre-retirememt game (he said he had only one game left in him in a 2020 interview). I assumed that final Mikami game would be Tango's first project which got postponed in favor of Evil Within, Project Noah, which was an action-adventure game with RPG and Survival elements I believe, described as being similar to the movie Dune. As far as I know that was Mikami's dream game and it got postponed because Zenimax thought it was too risky for a brand new studio and wanted a traditional survival horror game from him, Evil Within, as it was a safer bet since Mikami's name was associated with Survival Horror. With Microsoft money behind him now and the Gamepass safety net, I was hoping he would be able to make it now as his final swan song game before retirement.

I do think both Evil Within 3 and HiFi Rush 2 need to happen, but would be cool to see Project Noah first.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 11 February 2023