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Ryuu96 said:

Pretty sure those deleted comments are never coming back based on what I've been told and the fact that it has been months now but I'm sure you all realised that by now. Would anyone be annoyed about me re-doing some previous polls since we lost them all? Lol.

Sometimes I wish we could just do a forum reset...Everything from zero, Forums 2.0 or w/e. Save what you need but reboot everything else on an updated forum interface, everyone starts again with zero posts, zero threads, clear mod history, etc. Lol.

I'm ok with re-doing all of the old polls. Were the the bets lost as well? Was the currency on those refunded if they were lost? If the currency lost was refunded, we should re-do some of the still outstanding bets as well. 

VersusEvil said:

To all everyone playing Hogwarts Legacy today, enjoy what’s the very definition of a labour of love. 34hrs in myself and even by open world standards, it’s huge.

Truly an excellent game. Sitting at 22 hours in right now myself and I'm still on the 2nd of 4 seasons, Fall/Autumn, with quite alot of side content and collectibles still to go in addition to main story content, so I could see the game being 60 hours+ possibly, at least 50+.

Was looking at the achievement completion percentages to see which houses people were playing in. Hufflepuff 4%, Ravenclaw 7%, Gryffindor 9%, Slytherin 12%. Kind of surprised so many are in Slytherin, they must be role-playing because I find it hard to believe that the majority of people have the personality traits of a Slytherin, as Slytherins have more "negative" traits than the other 3 houses; ambition, deviousness, self-preservation, and pride, in addition to their more positive traits (Resourcefulness and Determination). Ironically, Hufflepuff probably has the best personality traits of all 4 houses, loyalty, patience, fairness, hard working, we should all aspire to be more like a Hufflepuff, but because they somehow got the reputation of being the weakest house, alot of people don't want to play as a Hufflepuff. The whole Hufflepuffs are weak argument is totally unfounded anyway. Cedric Diggory was chosen as the Hogwarts champion by the Goblet of Fire during the Triwizard tournament because he was overall the strongest 7th year student that year. Tonks was a Hufflepuff and an Auror, a dark wizard hunter. Newt Scamander was a Hufflepuff and was shown at multiple points during the 3 Fantastic Beasts movies to be an accomplished duelist, the ministry even wanted him to become an auror but he didn't want to follow in his brothers footsteps, he wanted to chart his own course. Hufflepuffs aren't weak.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 10 February 2023