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TheTitaniumNub said:
Jumpin said:

Crom! I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. Grant us this game. All that matters is gathering the development resources and a clear and strong vision to make this game: one rich in content, one smooth with the polish of a Polish dev studio. All these years so many have waited… have died while waiting. Grant us this request. If you do not listen, then to HELL with you!


Greatest comment ever lol, but man, you know how well that world would work for that kind of game? I am a diehard Conan fan, beyond the movie! The novels and comics are great, so so so much source material, it's crazy! I recommend the original 1930s Robert E. Howard short stories if you've never read them, great stuff, by Crom!

Forgot to mention, yes, I’ve read the Conan collections by Robert E. Howard (I have a collection right here with me starting with the Hyborian Age essay. It was possibly the last actual paper books I ever bought that wasn’t a coffee table book or for the purpose of getting an author autograph) as well as those by Robert Jordan (how I got into the books back when I was a kid). I’ve not read the comics before, but I’m aware of them and will probably seek them out at some point.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.