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Is anyone really surprised that Embracer is going to make more money on just TR than Square got for the whole deal? Like...surely, we've all been well aware of the fact that Square is a terribly run business. They have no idea what they're doing over there, and haven't for ages. We've had rumors about Square looking to be acquired for how long exactly? But why oh why does it never happen...? Oh yea...because the one publisher for whom it would make the most sense to acquire them, because Square's games are deeply tied to their ecosystem, is given literally zero motivation to take ownership of the whole business, because Square gives them years and years of exclusive content, for pennies on the dollar. Why does Square do this? To guarantee record profits? No. To increase the footprint of their IP, gaining mindshare with new players? No. Because Sony shares technology with Square, that will benefit their future projects? No. They do it simply to ensure not being in the red. To guarantee they won't LOSE money. They're a failing business.