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It's not only China Biden is shielding the USA from with his "Made in America" subsidies, but massive allies such as European countries.

I support Biden's policies 100%. Self-reliance, strengthening neighbouring supply chains and bringing manufacturing back is the way forward. I am not American and "but protectionism!!1!" and "but isolationism!!!111" have always sounded like empty labels to me.  Those labels have no real value to trade our national security with, regardless with whom, let alone China! 

I can't believe I am seeing a change I have been asking for made true by Biden, especially that his campaign wasn't heavy on trade deals at all, if anything, his "China ain't bad folks" triggered me lol. Well-done on not only changing his narrative, but taking a 180 that caught everyone off guard. Now if only we get more politicians doing something about real issues everywhere...

Bernie's 2016 presidential platform continue to prove its merits. It's astounding how much of Bernie's record on most issue ends on the right side of history. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 30 January 2023