Also, I think a shadow drop for Starfield, however likely (or unlikely) it may be, would be a totally reasonable strategy. Sure, because it's the biggest game that MS has coming out all year, and probably for some time, you would naturally assume that it will get the biggest marketing build up ever, but the simple truth of the matter is that's not necessary. These days, in the social media landscape we live in, a game that captures people's attention, which Starfield is by default, and ESPECIALLY with the combination of GP, which reduces the barrier to entry to almost nothing, a game release can turn into a wildfire real quick. If MS dropped Starfield tomorrow, it would be trending on twitter for the next week, and it would cost MS exactly nothing.
I doubt they'll go that route with it, cus MS tends to mostly do things by the book, but I'm just don't need a multimillion dollar marketing campaign for a game like that.