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Hades 1000G finished (59hrs) so assuming Hades 2 is coming to Xbox some things I’m hoping to see;

1. Option to end a run without losing story/keepsakes/stat progress. Losing run progress is fine ofc.

2. Keep it at 4 zones + 1 final boss. Being able to finish a run at around 15-20m is perfect (my fastest time is just short of 17m)

3. Less keepsakes, Christ it took a while to 3 star all of them. Either that or lower the amount of encounters needed to raise their levels. 

4. Don’t lock character story progression behind a damn RNG wall or remove the amount of filler conversation. I could have easily knocked off 25hrs if the RNG didn’t screw me. Looking at you Achilles. 

5. Outfits .. gotta add that drip.

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition