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RolStoppable said:

At least make the effort to click on a link and read the actual statement. Furukawa is refering to the timeframe from launch until replacement, not launch until discontinuation. It's also consistent with his statements from the years before. In early 2020 he said that Switch had just entered the middle of its lifecycle and talked about defying the usual length of lifecycles for Nintendo consoles (the usual would be six years). So when he says "mid-point" in early 2022, you've got the answer to your orange question: The middle ranges roughly from early 2020 all throughout 2023.

I remember it all too well when Furukawa's statement from early 2020 was purposefully misinterpreted to mean that Switch would have six years until replacement, but now three years later when we are about to reach that date, there's zero sight of a Switch successor. That's why "entered the middle of its lifecycle" (in 2020) is a credible statement and why "mid-point" (in 2022) is credible as well. It's also not corporate PR, because these were direct answers to investors where it isn't about earning goodwill from fans, but about money.

When you combine the three important factors - what Nintendo says in financial calls, how much Switch sells, how does Nintendo's first party lineup look like - you get the most accurate picture of what's likely going to happen. And that is Nintendo aiming for 8-10 years of Switch before launching its successor. 2023's success or lack thereof will be crucial to how far Nintendo can stretch this lifecycle, but it has long been laid out in the open that Nintendo wants to exceed the conventional length of a lifecycle, and not just by a few months.

Bold: Where do you see him say that?

"We recognize that the system is at the mid-point of its lifecycle."

What about that sentence tells you that it's from launch until replacement and not until discontinuation?