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Ryuu96 said:

Hopefully as soon as Avowed is shipped they immediately start on a new Fallout on Bethesda's new Creation Engine 2.0, it's our best chance of seeing a new singleplayer Fallout game at some point in the 2020's. Bethesda themselves likely won't be able to deliver Fallout 6 until 2030-2031, and even that timeframe assumes that Elder Scrolls 6 releases in 2025 or 2026 (which is far from certain, depends on how much work the smaller team on TES 6 has gotten done since they began developing it in 2018). Our only other chance of seeing a singleplayer Fallout this decade would be a remake of Fallout 3 or New Vegas, as those would be faster than an all new game and could be handled by any old 2nd party partner basically.