So since the future of other Prediction Leagues is uncertain at the moment (I have been unable to reach @Doctor_MG. Let me know if you see this and are planning to continue the Nintendo League) I considered running other leagues myself OR changing the format altogether to make Quarterly Prediction Leagues across console brands and multiplats, which I think might have some advantages. More info and examples in the OP.
@TheWalrusCaesar @Machina @Kakadu18 @Shikamo Hope you don't mind being tagged but I figured the current entrants should have a say in this. And for the record even if we change format I will make sure currently made predictions carry over
Edit: The poll has now been closed and we'll be sticking to the system of console brand leagues + this multiplat one.
Last edited by UnderwaterFunktown - on 14 January 2023Try out my free game on Steam
2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues: