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My short memoir: I didn't experience gaming as a kid, besides portable tetris that I played for a short period. For entertainment I read a lot of books and of course watched TV. On my 15th birthday dad gifted me a PC which was mindblowing at the time and where I lived, it was something very very special, for example nobody else in my class of ~20 students had a PC at home. I gamed all my free time. Half a year later my dad bought a 3dfx Voodoo 2. I was one of the lucky ones to experience Unreal when it came out with 3D acceleration. In mid 2000s I became partly financially independent and built my first PC and kept upgrading it all the time, but by the end of 2000s I started feeling bored more and more often. In 2011 one of my friends was raving about PS2 games on PCSX2 and I started getting into it but soon realized that very few games actually emulated well and started looking at the PS2 hardware until bought a brand new Slim. I felt amazed by the world of Sony exclusives and ports that revealed to me - Okami, God of War I&II, FFX, SSX3. Soon in 2012 I bought a brand new PS3 Slim and then a PSP Street. I became a Sony fanboy in a short time. I have been playing this and that on PC as well but my main platforms have been Playstation consoles for the past 10+ years. But I don't like where Sony is going - I really hate Dad of Boy, I didn't like Spider-Man, Uncharted 4 was meh, games like Stray and Kena are gay as hell -what happened Sony? At least TLoU2 was great ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If Sony keeps this trend I could be moving back to PC sooner or later.

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Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.