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Since Wii Fit catered more to the casual crowd, it's kind of interesting to see how fast people lose interest in playing this "game". Feels like the same kind of response people had to Wii Sports or other various mini-game compilations when it is mostly bought by casuals.

"Wii Fit has done big business in Japan — and pretty much everywhere, for that matter. The peripheral and game went on sale late last year in The Land of the Rising Sun, and Japanese website IT Media poses the question: Do Wii Fit owners actually still play Wii Fit everyday? Short answer: Nope. According to the thousand IT Media readers polled (for whatever that's worth), the majority of them do not play their copies of Wii Fit (ditto). Here's the breakdown:

Do you use Wii Fit faithfully everyday?
• 22 percent — I record my progress faithfully everyday
• 6 percent — Maybe once every two or three days
• 6 percent — Once a week
• 64 percent — Stopped using after purchase

Like any exercise program, most people quit early on. Guess it's good that even 22 percent are sticking with it, but still. Any Wii Fit owners out there? Do you use Wii Fit faithfully everyday? "