derpysquirtle64 said:
If Series E as you call it indeed happens at some point, I don’t think we’ll see both Slim models for Series X and S. It just will make the lineup very confusing. I think that Microsoft will either make Slim Series S as baseline or Slim Series X as baseline. There always will be two consoles in the lineup - one for value and one for the maximum performance. Having three consoles in lineup doesn’t make sense. Because it’s not clear what is the purpose of the one in the middle |
I don't see that they have much choice but to do 3 personally. If PS5 Pro is indeed happening (and recent leaks from reputable sources say it is happening), Xbox has to respond to it, they can't let Sony win back the most powerful console crown. And if they stop making either S or X, devs will become increasingly resistant to wanting to port to the dropped console throughout the 2nd half of the generation. They kind of dug this hole for themselves by doing 2 consoles from the start of the generation. So I do think we will see 3 consoles in the latter half of the generation, because it is better than the alternatives.
I think they will learn a lesson from this and not do 2 consoles at the start of the gen next time. What S has done so far is alienate retailers due to more S consoles than X being made (resulting in lower Xbox physical game sales and hurting Xbox's retail presence especially in non-core markets), and piss off some developers who apparently foresee S being a bit of a paperweight later in the generation. Better to have just 1 console at the start of next-gen, and then do a mid-gen refresh.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 27 November 2022