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Spade said:

If this deal falls through, I hope MS swoops up miltiple devs and studios. Need MS to stop playing nice if this goes left.

Yep, I've been saying that for awhile now. I like some of what Spencer does, but he plays far too nice with Sony for my liking. They want total domination of the market again like gen 6 with PS2 curbstomping Xbox and Gamecube, it's why they have been moneyhatting so many timed exclusive and fully exclusive games and 3rd party marketing deals + timed exclusive content for them. You just can't play nice with a company like that. It's one thing to play nice with Nintendo, they're not really out for blood like Sony is, but Xbox playing nice with Sony is like a sheep trying to befriend a wolf. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 23 November 2022