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It is pretty sad how pathetic the EU and UK regulators are being about this acquisition. Their favoritism towards Playstation is astounding.

Sony: Hats about 8 AAA 3rd party exclusives so far this generation (7 of which are releasing in just the first 3 years of the generation), not to mention about 7 years in a row now of hatting either timed exclusive CoD DLC or timed exclusive CoD modes, as well as hatting timed exclusive content in numerous other 3rd party multiplats they bought the marketing rights for

CMA and EC: 

Microsoft: Decides to buy Activision-Blizzard and says CoD Warzone will remain on PS forever and mainline CoD will remain on PS for at least the remainder of this generation (which is looking to be the longest console generation ever).

CMA and EC:

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 12 November 2022