zero129 said: Japanese PC gaming has had incredible growth in the last few years Link: Wow, that means that the is now more japan gamers playing exclusive on a PC than a PS5 or XBSeries?. And thats just ones that play exclusively on a PC not including the ones that game on a Pc and a console. No wonder Pc is now getting so many Japanese games. Guess no one can say they a niche. I can see Steamdeck doing well in japan, heck valve even have their own japan mascot I never knew that . |
PC gaming grew exponentially in Japan over the last years from being practically non-existant to an increasingly big player.
One of the main reasons is that CERO ratings became more restrictive, making several games and depictions more difficult, especially when it comes to sex and sexy outfits. The catch is that CERO is only regulates console games, but has no agency at all over PC games, thus allowing those to get past the radar and censors.
This is also why Japanese publishers largely ignored PC and even now still don't really commit to it yet. The more the PC market grows in Japan, the more those publishers have to go into PC gaming, further weakening consoles in Japan.
The Nintendo eShop rating Thread: List as Google Doc:
The Steam/GOG key gifting thread:
Free Pc Games thread: