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Hiku said:

Elon Musk bricked the twitter account of someone he doesn't agree with.

How do we know that he did this deliberately?
Source: Free speech

That's what he wanted. We can just make things up now.

Shocking... not.

This could be very much expected from the moment on when he said that he would unban Trump's account if he buys Twitter.

Elon Musk got rich because he mastered the art of parting fools from their money, so turning Twitter into an echo chamber for the so-called American conservatives is sure to bring in a lot of money by raising the price of membership which all the fools will gladly pay to live in a world of the so-called free speech. He must have noticed how much money people have donated to Trump's cause in the last several years and wanted a piece of the pie.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.