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Alex_The_Hedgehog said:
mZuzek said:

Oh yeah because we weren't completely screwed these past 4 years. Everything was fine and totally not horrible in every way.

I never said I support Bolsonaro.

Hating one doesn't mean I wanted the other. We were screwed either way.

Okay, fair enough, but come on. As long as you're in Brazil you'll always be screwed. The fact is, for a majority of people at least (but from what I've seen, it's actually everyone), we were a lot less fucked last time Lula was president. Public health was better. Public schools were better. Security was better. The economy was better. Less people were unemployed. Oh and also we weren't afraid of a military coup.

I can't say I'm optimistic things will improve too much under Lula, but it's definitely a step in the right direction (ha, "right"). We'll be screwed either way. But between being VERY screwed or just a little screwed, I'll take the latter, thanks.

Oh and by the way, we had a very good presidential candidate last time around, but he couldn't come close to Bolsonaro, and even today he lost the elections for government of São Paulo. He's just not popular enough, it's how it is. Lula is popular and possibly the only one who could get us rid of the fascist president. So I'm all for it.