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Eagle367 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

How many of those people ran their campaign on the basis of eventually becoming a dictator? And even if they did, if they win then that's literally democracy in action (unless the vote was rigged of course).

Democracy is a shit system, you may not like some of those shitty parts, but they are still undoubtedly a part of democracy.

You refuse to acknowledge or even talk about anything I mentioned. Your argument is basically,  "hey democracies can't have safe guards and have to be absolutes. They have to be structured in such a shitty way that they end up failing". You don't seem to want to acknowledge that there are some anti democratic actions needed to protect democracy. Just like if you like peace, you have to fight sometimes. If you like freedoms, you might have to trample on the freedom of a human being to do whatever they like because some freedoms harm and restrict other people's freedom. 

Democracy isn't an on/off switch and I am telling you there's a better system but you're pretending I am talking about something else which I am not. In the real world, your idealized systems just don't work. Absolutism doesn't get you anywhere unless you just want browny points and don't have a clue why you would want democracy in the first place, except maybe as a cool exercise.

I agree with idealized systems not working in the real world, but this isn't what people try to tell you. Your underlying thought is, that we need to ban people with the wrong political stance to protect democracy. In order for an anti-democratic movements to get into power in democracy, the majority would need to vote for such movements.

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