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LurkerJ said:

They still have done better than the UK and France somehow, countries with extreme lockdown measures.

Don't get me wrong, lockdowns were necessary, they're just hardly justifiable anymore, the numbers we are all sharing with each other enforce that notion imo. 

The thing is, how many people actually followed the lock downs. Here not all that many took it seriously. And in the UK there were also plenty reports of people flaunting social distancing and lock down rules.

Working from home was done as much in Sweden as anywhere else, maybe even more. Mobility reports during that time were pretty similar, it wasn't like Sweden just went on with their business. It proves more that people do not trust the government and think they know better than the experts. Assuming the ratio of 'sane' people is similar, the ones listening to the lock downs are very similar to the ones taking their own measures in Sweden.

The lock downs might have encouraged a few more people to take care compared to Sweden, but it's nothing like the success New Zealand had. (Which of course has the benefit of being an island)

The biggest differentiators are average age of the population, population density and living conditions. Sweden sits good on all three of those for Europe.
Avg age in UK 40.3, Sweden 41.2, France 41.7, Germany 45.7
Population density per sq km. Sweden 25, France 119, Germany 240, UK 281
Avg household size in Germany 1.97, Sweden 2.16, UK 2.36, France 2.38

Europe hasn't done well overall, pretty much been the epicenter for the pandemic with the most cases and deaths.
Europe has 1,924,923 official deaths, 29% of the official total while having less than 10% of Earth's population.

Anyway lock downs were never enforced here. If they had my wife wouldn't have caught Covid twice :/ Hopefully there won't be a third time, we're staying away from her parents for now. It does seem the test had it right, her father is very sick :( Fall wave is here.

So in the end, the failure lies with the distrust governments have cultivated against them. Too many lies and omissions, too many exaggerations, too slow to respond, unable to provide tailor made solutions. And then they were to quick to declare the pandemic over, opening everything back up too soon.