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What happened to this game?  I remember seeing initial previews in magazines and online right before and after the PSP was launched.  This is 90% of the reason I got a PSP in the first place. 

Since the initial buzz, I haven't heard one word about this game since a little over 6 months after the PSP launched.  Does anyone have a clue when this is coming out, or IF this game is STILL coming out?  I remember I kept reading it was getting pushed back, and pushed back, and then NOTHING!!!  I really hope there is still a future for GT:Portable, as I couldn't think of anything better than playing Gran Turismo anywhere AND everywhere I go...GT for the PSP would be heaven. 

Racing games for the PSP are few and far between.  GOOD racing games for the PSP are nonexistent!!!  Hopefully they have just slowed production down on this to facilitate GT5, and they haven't completely killed it off.  Anyone else with me?  Were you guys absolutely stoked when Sony originally announced GT:P, and thus killing off any reservations you had about buying a PSP ?!?!  Damn you Sony, this game would actually SELL too!!!  HURRY UP!!!

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Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!