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Bob80 said:
Azzanation said:

Companies are not forced to do anything. Its their choice if they want to be day 1 on GP. If they want to make SP type games than they can. I don't understand why people believe devs have their hands tied. 1st Party i can understand but even then, StarField is proving these speculation wrong. 3rd Party Devs can do what ever they like, weather GP exists or not, its their choice.

Well I'm talking hypothetically. Right now Game pass isn't big enough to force anything. However, it is kinda scary when we have a trillion $ company with the recources to buy major publishers and force a sub model that could potentially disrupt the entire industry. If Microsoft starts putting major IPs D1 on game pass, people will likely expect everything to come to gp and stop buying games alltogether. Problem with that is that only a certain type of games seem to be feasible with the gp model. For example, here's why Calisto Protocol is not coming to Game pass

"Speaking to True Achievements, Chief Technology Officer Mark James dissed Game Pass and went on to describe the model as "difficult." Although The Callisto Protocol team might "think about it" for Game Pass, we wouldn't count on it. James continued: "You play through once [in The Callisto Protocol]. I think those services are built towards some of the open-world style and repetitive multiplayer games. I think games [like that] survive well on that service."

According to James, Games Pass doesn't always fit for independent studios that release single-player games. Well, at least in financial terms. He goes on to remind us that there are single-player games on Game Pass or coming to it - we're looking at you Starfield - but he thinks they'll come from the hardware companies themselves."

I agree with what his said. Thats why he is not bringing his game to GP. They cannot remove digital sales completely because they also make too much money on digital sales. To sell digital games you need to make good games, bad games wont sell. People believe its one or the other and fail to realize that both can co exist, much like Streaming, it can co exist with the digital market place, it doesn't have to replace anything. I use GP and still buy plenty of Digital games, and i am sure i am not the only one. Also GP isnt going to house thousands of games, its a rotational roster that is limited.