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Pajderman said:

The platforming elements of Kingdom Hearts were always deadly awful, clunky and annoying. They were so bad in first game they've changed the level map design to have as little platforming as possible in next games 

The fact that they removed the platforming elements is the largest reason why I did not like any kingdom hearts past the first game. I loved exploring the rooftops of the town and when you got the ability to glide in the air it was such a delight. The second game felt like cutscene-fight-corridor walk on repeat. I think the second game is considered the best in the series but for me it is the game that made me uninterested in any further KH games. 

My taste in games might not match the general public, but a kingdom hearts game built more like an action platform game with less RPG-elements is something I at least would take a second look at.  

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way but I don't get why anyone would like a terrible travesty of platforming that was the first Kingdom Heart to be repeated again. Do you even remember how badly Sora's simple jump was even on FIGHTS? It kinda make me remember how badly were 3D controls during PS1 and PS2 era, something we now take for granted 

I'm for once grateful they removed platforming. To start it serves no purpose on the original game, but the main offender is that Square have no clue how to develop platforming either on engine, controls or map design. 20 years later they are still releasing Balan Wonderland after all