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Commodore 64: The OG one, not the remake. It's in good condition, its age considered. But the same can't be said for all its games, it's difficult having ancient floppy media survive decades without optiamal storage conditions. I have no working controller for it, but there's a shop about 15 minutes away from here that sell all kinds of old gaming stuff (it's called the "Nostalgia Store" and it's glorious!).

Amiga 500: Got this from my cousin when he moved out of his parents' place. It's in good condition, as are the two controllers!

NES: Good condition, but currently unavailable to me (my parents won't really let me into their home right now). Two controllers and still-working light gun from "Duck Hunt".

N64: Mint condition, my uncle gave this to my siblings and I for christmas in 1997. My sisters showed no interest in it, but I played it a lot. I have two functioning controllers for it as well, and 5-6 games in good condition.

PS1 Slim: This is somewhere in storage and my parents' house, if it's even there now. It was in decent condition last I saw it, but it took some punishment when my mom was babysitting a couple of kids for a few years back in the early 2000's. I told her not to let the kids use it; but hey, she did. Only one controller has survived the ages, as far as I know, I may also have one somewhere without analogue sticks.

PS2 (OG): Mint condition. I also have about 60 games for it, all working well, some of them have banged up containers though, mostly from my moving around so often and possibly due to poor storage condition. Two good controllers for it as well.

PS3 Slim: Good condition, I always have a care with my tech and keep them fresh and healthy, but the PS3 had some quality issues. It runs warm after 2-3 hours of play and the disc reader sounds like an airplane. I still have my 30+ games for it though, all in mint condition. Both controllers work well.

PS4 Slim: Mint condition, I've used this a lot, certainly much more than my PS3. It seems to have better build quality than the PS3 by far. I have about 40 games for it and two mint DS4 controllers.

Xbox One S: Mint condition, save for a wifi controller that broke after two years (not covered by warranty, I'm afraid), two mint controllers. I only ever played 4-5 games on this and mostly use it as a 4K Blu-ray player.

Gaming PC from 2015: Still use it, usually every day, with the exception of warm summer days and when I'm away at work (I work 24.5 hour shifts). It was top-of-the line when I built it and still hangs in there (980 Ti and a decent i7-5820K). Everything works smoothly, including my keyboard and mouse, which were both purchased along with the rig. The mouse has taken a slight beating, and there are minor issues with the left button at times, but it still works fine (it's a Logitech 502).

Overall, my gear is in good condition. I'm not a collector, and I never had access to proper storage or a dedicated gaming room, but I always make it a point to take of my stuff since we had little money when I grew up. MY economy today is great, but I still maintain all my things and always get sad when I see how people treat their tech today (I have my phones for about 5 years on average and I still have my first ever CD that I bought at age 13).