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I said that some days ago in the news section already. It's pretty much like with Elon Musk and Tesla. He said that Tesla needs to increase prices (that happened more than once) because the situation is so hard and every freaking time you got new numbers from Tesla after the increases you only heard about record numbers, record profits and the best profit margin in the whole industry with like a 20% margin which is crazy for this industry. 

That they want to grow so fast to sell 20m cars in 2030 has nothing to do with the costs they have to produce my freaking car. But that's what you are supposed to pay for as well in Musk's head. He just won't say it to you like that. 

It's the same with the PS5. Sony is probably doing record numbers with the PS business and still they argue how they need to raise prices and some of their fans would still defend it even if they would hear about the highest profit Sony ever made with the PS brand.

They do it because they will still sell anything they produce so that more money is even better. Not because they have to.