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Mummelmann said:
JWeinCom said:

Can't wait for people to completely miss the point and think that they're advocating an Ayn Rand wet dream society.

Yeah, my trust in networks and services having an actual grasp on the source material and its original intents and thematics is at an all-time low. Videogame adaptations rarely, if ever, work well in these formats.

I was more talking about the viewers. I've seen a bunch of people online arguing that Ryan was a true paragon of the free market and Rapture fell because of that wascally Atlas as if Ryan's hypocrisy wasn't the entire point of the game, and the series in general. 

As for a TV series, it could be kind of fun. We never really see Rapture in its prime except for a bit in Burial at sea. The game explores it through old recordings and such, so a prequel could be interesting. Although, I'm not especially optimistic considering the track record of such adaptations.