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Chrizum said:

I finally got Covid. Lots of coughing, but only felt sick for a day. Thought I was over it, and then a few days ago BAM, felt awful and now I'm super tired all the time. Weird disease, never felt like this before. It feels like it comes in waves rather than feeling very sick and getting gradually better like a normal flu. It sucks that I can hardly do any social things anymore. I've had Covid for over 3 weeks now, when will this shit end?

You should not be contagious anymore, but symptoms can last for months

It does come in waves but overall you should slowly be getting better, less severe 'waves'. My oldest (13) thought he was all better, went back to school after a week and only made it half a day. Then was back in bed for another week with more coughing, fatigue and even the fever came back for a bit.

We're in a BA.5 wave now

Ontario has entered a summer wave of COVID-19 as hospitalizations and wastewater data slowly creep upwards, infectious diseases experts say.

“We’re in one. It’s the real deal. I don't know how big it’s going to get, but it’s here,” Toronto infectious diseases specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch told CTV News Toronto on Monday. Bogoch points to COVID-19 wastewater data as a central indicator. Throughout June, this data has been ticking upward. It follows a steep drop in viral activity discovered in Ontario wastewater through most of the spring.

Along with wastewater, Bogoch points to an increase in the number of people testing positive for COVID-19. While testing is limited, the seven-day average for new cases detected through PCR testing was up 34 per cent week-over-week in the province’s most recent data.

And since my wife is still recovering from BA.2, can't really go anywhere as you can still get BA.5 on top. How long is this disease still going to hold us hostage :( Hope you get better soon!