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Its interesting that Trump and his crew would do the whole fund raising on his defense and then not even setup the fund itself to cover their tracks on spending that money. I mean its pretty much basic con 101 in covering your butt. I am guessing that Trump relied way to much on the GOP to shelter him from his own greed because that blunder actually might be something Garland can stick him on wire fraud. Should be interesting in the next 6 months how this all pans out.

I know from experience that it will not stop support from the Trump faithful. I actually remember having this conversation with a friend of mine who worshipped everything Trump and I brought how all the money he was raising was going to his PAC after the election and she just game some excuse that all will be revealed. I am sure they are already either dismissing what they have heard, ignoring to even think on it as political or drumming up excuses to fill in the gap.