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Roma said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Which still not explaining why women should dress in any specific custom. Are men such irrational animals they are unlikely to not lose their minds when seeing women's hair? You really should stop trying to rationalizing aspects about your culture that aren't rational 

I won't bother creating fairytales about why women in west wear short skirts or about how empowering and emancipator skirts are. You should also stop pretending muslim clothes given any kind of freedom to muslim women.

every part of a women's body has different effects on a man. Me personally I have a soft spot for long dark hair. It's not like I will go crazy or something though i do love the way it looks and it is something that would attract me. Just because you don't have a certain attraction to a specific area of a human body part it does not mean others don't have it.

covering up gives women the same freedom as choosing to share a photo with someone. She decides as she has full control. In the west women keep telling men where their eyes are yet still chose to show their chest which is baffling to say the least.

Genuinely asking, aren't you gay? How would you know how a man feels seeing a naked woman?