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You guys are not understanding what CyberNinja is saying. America needs everyone packing and not only that everyone must be packing the most deadly weapon they can get their hands on including leaving the house everyday in body armor. If you are in a shootout and you have a hand gun while the other person is carrying 1000 rounds of ammo and a Semi Automatic rifle including being fully armored you are at a huge disadvantage.

We only have to look at the last dozen of these incidents to see that the more resistance expected by the shooter, the more prepared they are before executing the deed. In order to combat this, everyone needs to be packing and everyone needs the most deadly weapon. That should ensure every moment you leave your house, you are prepared for the dangers of living in the US. This should give you a warm sensation for every encounter you have with someone you have an issue with because if you are packing and they are packing first one to the kill gets to go home and see their family.