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Leetgeek said:
wfz said:
Leetgeek said:
I know some people will get mad at this but the Wii's success is the reason that it doesn't get big budget games. Game developers know they can (often) make low budget trashware on it and it will still sell a million plus units. It's fucked up and it's unfair to Wii owners and it's the reason I'm waiting for a price drop to get one.

Now a cutscene heavy game like KH3 or an FF7 remake I can think of the perfect console for that.


Exactly! The Wii is the perfect system, because it has a major lack of grade AAA third party support. The first few amazing AAA titles that come out on the wii are going to get absolutely gobbled up by the Wii owners like it was food given to starving children.


And it has Disney characters, it's going to have huge recognition if they advertise it right.


(Yes I realized I just completely flipped your post on your face, unless you did mean the Wii..)


Wellllll. You can't use the Wii is a more family friendly system arguement because you didn't see KH on gamecube... Though it's larger install base is of course a valid arguement. 

But bear in mind you have not seen a single screenshot for this game so you know it's not comming out untill at least 2010. By that time a lot of people are going to be looking for a bluray player for the HDTV they just picked up on sale at Costco, they'll be looking twoards the PS3 which will be around $200 at that point. Disney is going to be looking to pump money out of these people and sell them Aladin etc on bluray for little Jimmy. As icing on the cake they can also pick up Kingdom Hearts for Sally.  You don't think disney doesn't want bluray in as many peoples homes  as possible? We're talking about MILLONS of dollars here. Why make a big budget game on wii when they can make a low budget game on  Wii that will sell the same. 

So ask yourself a question: If you are disney which console do you wan't  to entice people to buy?



Gamecube was the mainstream system last generation? I never said anything about being family-friendly, I was just talking about mass appeal. =P I believe the PS2 easily had that last generation, like the Wii does this one.

You could be right about the Blu-Ray, but I have no idea what goes on at Disney, and what the head honchos are planning. We'll just have to wait and see!

If I was Disney, right now I'd rather put the game on the Wii. In a few years?...I have no idea. I don't see how the PS3 is going to magically take off (or Blu-Ray for that matter). How do we know downloadable content isn't going to reign supreme? Sure it's not practical for everyone, but I'd bet most of the tech savvy have a nice internet connection. Do the masses care about the picture quality difference that Blu-Ray offers compared to DVD, when you consider the price difference? We'll see.

One question, does Disney's gaming division overlap with their other media divisions? The more they overlap the more I could see Disney wanting to promote Blu-Ray, but I'm not so certain that it's a priority for their gaming division.