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Domicinator said:
|_emmiwinks said:
Domicinator said:
For those of you who think this isn't a big deal, a couple of thoughts--

1. It IS a big deal. Someone said this only effected 3,000 PS3s. I can't possibly imagine that being true, and that's based only on what I've seen on web forums so far. At the beginning of the day it looked like a glitch. By about lunch time I was seeing reports of widespread problems. By the time I got home from work, Sony had pulled the update.

2. The only way to recover from this is to format your hard drive. You will lose all your games, all your saves, all your DLC, and any other "stuff" you had on there. If I had to do that, I would be royally pissed and would probably be hesitant to download future firmware releases.

3. Software compatibility issues keep popping up on the PS3. There were problems with some major releases being incompatible, there were problems with PS2 backward compatibility, there are problems with firmware, etc.

While this kind of stuff isn't as wide spread as the RRoD was, it is damaging to the PS3's repuation like the RRoD was to the Xbox 360. Maybe not on the same magnitude, but I think it's now safe to say that the PS3 officially has "reliability issues" of its own. And they're coming in the form of software bricks from Sony.

Its a matter of statistics. we have roughly 998 people on NeoGAF and VGChartz saying that they updated their consoles fine, and 2 people saying it bricked theirs. Following that through, there are 14,000 1,000's in the PS3's user base (14,000,000) 2 people per 1,000 means 28,000 people are affected out of 14,000,000. Thats of course a non-scientific survey, but its what we have to go on.

I would call that a VERY small deal. Sad for the 28,000, very sad. But Im pretty sure a bigger percentage of people buy new cars that break down in the first week.

Just like most things, it gets blown out of proportion by Fanboys and the media. end of story. It'll be back up before the end of the week.

Well, ok then.  I talked to 5 high school kids about Xbox 360 and the RRoD yesterday.  Not one of them had gotten one, and some of them had launch units.  (True story)  So I guess the RRoD wasn't a huge problem then because of the sample I took yesterday.


Huge difference between 2 out of hundreds of people saying no and this