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Oxygen Not Included - Endless new Asteroids to explore, settle and conquer. Infinite replay value, especially with some mods included.

Hearts of Iron IV - Including all the mods there are, which allow for some new scenarios (especially TNO and Kaiserreich)

The Universim - I expect it to be finished by then. Imagine Civilization in real-time with less war but with aliens and godly powers. In fact, imagine Civilization and Populous merged together.

King under the Mountain - Again, I expect it to be finished by then. It's like Rimworld, but with a fantasy setting and several races instead of sci-fi.

For the fifth game, I would take forever to choose: Master of Orion 2, Alpha Centauri, Jagged Alliance 2, Wizardry 8, KotOR II, HoMM 3 and 4, Might and Magic 4+5 Stellaris, Galactic Civilizations III... I would probably choose JA2, W8 or KotOR II for a change of pace compared to the other games.