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Vinther1991 said:

Good that Europe avoided another dangerous leader, and good that Le Pen didn't get nearly as good an election as predicted. Yet it is horrifying enough that 41 % voted for that terrible human being. Are they not informed that she supported Russia's annexation of Crimea? Did they already forget about it? Or is it yet another example of people voting for diarrhea to be 'reactionary' or 'anti-establishment'? I hope the western leaders soon find a cure for this anarchistic disease that are threatening democracies.

I'm not into French politics, but it sounds like Le Pen appealed to a lot of people by promising something that would benefit them. If that's the case, a lot of her support might be simply people voting for their advantage, even if it costs them their values. Maybe people were not well informed, or maybe they were desperate. Maybe their values align with hers. Maybe they thought she was the lesser evil. Or maybe I'm just wrong. At this point, I'm pretty convinced that people are pretty willing to primarily vote for their own perceived advantage.