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With E3 coming up soon, I thought we Nintendo fans should take a moment to gather all the info we have on Nintendo in one place. This thread now covers nearly all games being released on the Wii or DS, regardless of publisher or developer. If you're looking for a specific title, Control-F will be your bestest friend.

This thread is now technically done, although I am still perfectly happy to hear corrections and additional titles.

This thread is here to state which games we know will show up at E3, which games will probably pop their heads up, which probably won't, and of course to speculate what's going on in the only corporation with better counter-intelligence agents than most national governments. Titles are divided into those four general categories, and then further listed under each publisher (or developer, when no publisher is known).

Please feel free to add in your own thoughts and speculation. Enjoy!






Wario Land: Shake It! was announced a short while ago, and is the latest example of Nintendo's new release strategy of not announcing a game until a week before its release. A 2D cel-shaded side-scrolling platformer, Wario Land: Shake It! uses just the Wiimote, and seems to be in the vein of Wario Land 4. It releases in Japan later this month, and in the U.S. in September.

Developed by Tecmo, with funding by Nintendo and help from Suda51, Fatal Frame 4 was also announced only a short time ago, and will be released in Japan this summer, with a Western release date not yet announced. As a survival horror game, Fatal Frame definitely helps fill in a genre which the Wii is weak in, and may signal an increased willingness on Nintendo's behalf to purchase games which its systems need but which Nintendo itself does not specialize in.

One of the titles Nintendo is positioning as a "bridge game", Mario Sluggers is supposed to be a step up in complexity from Wii Sports, in order to ease new gamers deeper into gaming. While initial impressions from the press were negative, IGN's recent hands-on says it's improved, and that while its not exactly a grand slam, it's no strikeout either. Already out in Japan, it will release in the U.S. this August.

In development for ages, but still highly shrouded in secrecy, Wii Music gets trotted out at E3 before being sheperded back into its pen for a year. But if rumors are to be believed, this is the year Nintendo will finally release the game. Gameplay details are scant, but it is believed that players will be able to perform with up to forty orchestral instruments, such as the bass, violin, drums, etc. Alternatively, they can opt to conduct the symphony, as Miyamoto famously did when he formally debuted the Wii in 2006.

A remake of Kirby Super Star, one of the best Kirby games, Super Star Ultra contains an updated version of Super Star, as well as new wi-fi mini-games, and possibly new levels in which you play as Meta Knight and King Dedede. It releases in the U.S. at the end of September (on the same date as Wario Shake).

The Mystery Case Files series enters the DS. A "Where's Waldo?"-esque game, Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir seems to be targeted more towards the yung'uns. When I first heard the title, I was excited at the prospect of a sequel to the Famicom Detective Club, but alas.

A DS RPG developed by Mistwalker and published by Nintendo, it's an SRPG which is supposed to look and sound gorgeous. The gameplay? Not as impressive, according to Japan, where the game has been out for a while. Still, the game was recently rated by the ESRB, and E3 would be a good time to announce the release date for the U.S.

Animal Crossing is the other title heavily rumored to exist, but which has not yet been confirmed. However, IGN reports that the game's rumored director will be flying in for E3, while ONM posted this picture in their last issue. Whether the game will be an MMO, or if it will be more in the vein of previous Animal Crossings, remains as unknown as any other detail about this title. However, ONM has said it will be there (as if the image didn't tell us that already...)



In what has to be one of the best and ballsiest moves in recent gaming, Capcom is releasing the next mainline Mega Man game using 8-bit graphics. The theme is simple: simplify. Gone are all the bells and whistles: Mega Man now only jumps and shoots, although players will have the ability to purchase extra abilities as time goes on. Supposedly launching in September on WiiWare, this game seems to be as "old-school" as you can get.

One of Capcom's biggest Wii offerings, Spyborgs is a platformer being developed by former Naughty Dog, Insomniac, and Obsidian employees. It seems to be going for a Ren-and-Stimpy Saturday morning vibe, complete with "commercial" mini-games between platforming segments. While it had the bad luck to be announced after Ubidays, when some Wii owners were on a bit of a witch hunt, the title looks promising, although it's unlikely that we'll learn any new details after its Captivate revelation.

(With thanks to charasmatic 12 for the second link)

"There's a bullet with our name on it if we speak of their ultra top secret Wii title (a surprising take on a next-gen favourite), so we'll stick to the safer, though still intruiging, Spyborgs." So says Spyborgs' developer, meaning that Capcom still has one more game up its sleeve for E3, and that it's coming out for the Wii. All we know about this title is what was revealed in this one sentence, so grab some popcorn and start the speculation! Although we know it's called "Flock.";title;2

Pokemon meets Puzzle Quest in this latest offering from Infinite Interactive. The game certainly looks promising, although like Spyborgs it committed the sin of being announced after Ubidays, which has led to the director receiving some death threats (...) Still, a Puzzle Quest sequel can only be a good thing, no matter what wrapper it comes in. Don't expect too many details, though, as this game was focused on at Captivate.



A few years back, gamers learned that Telltale Games was bringing back Sam and Max to the PC, with monthly episodes. Now, Wii gamers will be able to play this hilarious point-and-click adventure game too, as Telltale will be releasing the complete first season for the Wii this August. For those of you who never played this on the PC, now's your chance to get a taste of why Lucasarts was once revered, rather than just the liscensing whore it is now.

The second Telltale offering, like Sam and Max this game is a point and click adventure focusing on humor, this time with a Homestarrunner flavor. This game is also planned to have episodic releases on WiiWare, with a new episode releasing each month (someone hasn't seen Nintendo's release strategy recently...). IGN's already played through episode one, and has nothing but good things to say, although they add the caveat that if you're not a Homestarrunner fan, some of the humor may be lost on you.



In a reversal of what happened on the Gamecube, Wii sports games are selling well enough that EA is increasing the number of franchises it's brining over. More importantly, it's building these games from the ground-up with the Wii in mind, which means not only better performance but also tighter controls. In addition, new players will have the option to play with a simplified control scheme, meaning novices and experts can go head-to-head without worrying about familiarity with the control scheme. Impressions on Tiger Woods and Madden have been good so far, although FIFA is being described as PES-lite, so keep your eyes on it. On the other hand, online-play is now being offered...

Continuing EA Sports' philosophy of offering a separate SKU for the Wii, Face Breaker K.O. Party will be similar to its HD bretheren, but will have an additional, simplified control scheme for those who want it. An arcade-style fighter from the folks who made Fight Night, this game will be releasing in November. IGN's impression has been quite positive, with them calling it a better version of Wii Sports boxing. Keep any eye on this one.

Made by the team that made last year's hit Skate, Skate It will be released for both the Wii and the DS. Each version will focus on its system's control scheme for gameplay: the DS version is touch-controlled, while the Wii version can utilize the nunchuck OR focus entirely on the wiimote, with the wiimote standing in for the skateboard itself (i.e. to do an ollie, make your wiimote do one, etc.) It will also support the Balance Board, with hands-on impressions saying it controls nicely when you get used to it. Far from sounding like a shovelware project, Skate It may just top its HD predecssors, even if the plot is rather chuckle-worthy.

A spinoff title from Spore, Spore Creatures is for the DS, and focusing more on the creature-creation. You don't take your creation across the span of evolution, but you will take it across the planet, befriending and fighting the other creatures you find like in an Action RPG. It's also got a neat, arts and craft artstyle all its own.

EA's doing what it does best: copying a successful formula in the hopes of cashing in. This time, they're bringing us EA Fitness, a Wii Fit-esque game made to appeal more to westerners, with a de-emphasis on eastern workouts (yoga, etc.) and an increased emphasis on western ones (strength training et. al.) A pet project of Peter Moore, it's to be unveiled at E3.

With the smashing success of My Sims, a merger between Animal Crossing and The Sims, EA has decided to turn the title into its own franchise. In My Sims Kingdom, players will take the role ofa vassal to the king, who will go on royal quests to improve the kingdom. Coming to both the DS and the Wii this fall.

A DS rhythm game, Zubo is is targeted to the little ones. Befriend the 55 Zubo via a stylus-controlled mini-game, and then use them in rhythm based combat. Think Pokemon meets Elite Beat Agents. Look for it this Fall.

The second Wii game created by the partnership between Hasbro and EA, Hasbro Family Game Night contains exactly what you'd expect: virtual versions of some of Hasbro's boardgames and the like. Players select the games and the time limit, and have at. It releases in Fall.

(Taken with permission from Naznatips' 2008 DS games thread)

A brand new game in the Sim City franchise, Sim City Creator lets you guide your city from ancient civilization through the middle ages, modern days, and into the future. Creator features four game modes: Challenge, Free Play, Chance Encounter, and Gallery. Ambitious city builders will be able to grab their styluses and start building this fall.

Note: A Wii version is also under works. It allows players to use the IR pointer to design their own roads and other pathways, and features several distinct building designs. With any luck, it will also mark the return of Bowser to Sim City. Both versions release in September.


While EA won't port its NHL game to the Wii, 2K has no such hesitations. The first hockey game for the Wii, NHL 2K9 will allow players to use the Wiimote as a hockey stick, which should open up some interesting opportunities for gameplay. The game will be released in October, just in time for the hockey season.;title;1

Releasing for both the Wii and the DS, MLB Power Pros lets you take a super-deformed version of your team to the World Series (which is the only way my A's ever will...) or take a minor-leaguer all the way to the Big Show. There are ten different play modes, like its predecessors, and IGN is already saying that this is the baseball game to get this year, although there's no word on whether motion control has been implemented in the main game this time. The game releases in late July for the Wii, and September for the DS.

2K games is doing the obvious when they decided to include Balance Board support for their next boxing game, Don King Presents: Prizefighter for the Wii. Then they chose to do something really stupid, and make the Balance Board only be used for training sessions. The game will also release on the DS. Look for it next month.



Dragonology and Wizardology are both coming to the Wii and the DS this year, courtesy of Codemasters. Announced last year, no details on either title have surfaced, meaning both will debut at E3. The Dragonology games will release in October, while the Wizardology games come out in December.



With the smashing success that was Yaris, it was inevitable that more car companies would want to get in on the car-racing fun, and now Ford has! On an extra-cheerful note, the developer is downsizing rapidly, and is probably going to be sold soon. Look for it July 15th, during E3.

An RTS geared towards the 12 and under crowd, Defendin' de Penguin comes out for both the DS and the Wii in August. The game has you controlling a penguin, who gathers supplies and uses them to upgrade towers. No other details have been released yet.

Another mini-golf game for the Wii, although this one centers around puzzles as well, separating it from its Carnival Games competitor. The developers are aiming to mix some humor into the plot, which revolves around making a Nevada ghost town into a tourist attraction. It releases in August for the Wii.

Oh. Hell. F***ing. Yeah. Crave Entertainment has heard our pleas, and will bring us the bull-riding game we've all been craving in October. So hop on and hold on for dear life! Don't feel like saddling up? Then play as the bull! I'm excited! (was that sarcasm? I'm honestly not sure...)

Already out in the U.S., Purr Pals will nonetheless be brought to E3. Essentially Nintendogs with cats on the Wii, the game lets you select one of forty breeds, and have at.

(no info found)

An unlikely pairing, Solitaire and Mahjong is a single title coming from Crave. It will be releasing this September for the Wii.



Developed by Treasure, Bangai-O Spirits is a frantic shoot-'em-up with puzzle and strategic elements mixed in. It's a remake of a 90's Treasure game, Bangai-O, but this game features an all-new level editor, wi-fi co-op for up to four players, and a revolutionary new feature: the ability to transfer your stages to other DS' via sound (just put your speaker next to their microphone, hit the button, and voila!). Levels can also be downloaded online. Combined with the fact that this is considered a classic shoot-'em-up with Treasure's trademark frantic style, it looks like DS owners are in for a real treat this August.

A sequel to Ben 10: Protector of Earth, this game is based on a Cartoon Network series in which a boy protects the planet from alien menaces. Apparently an action-platformer, Ben 10 will let you control at least three distinct characters over different environments, with one of the characters being able to adopt different forms. It releases in October for both the Wii and the DS.;title;1

The official sequel to Puzzle Quest, Galactrix is also an puzzle/RPG hybrid, but with a sci-fi setting. The game mechanics are similar to those of the first Puzzle Quest, but the board now has hexagonal rather than square blocks, opening up more ways to match blocks. Also, levels will have different gravity, affecting how and where the blocks fall, making each level a little different from the others. This title will hit the DS in October, with the Wii version not having a release date yet.

You've got to hand it to D3: they know their target audience. Onechenabra: Bikini Zombie Slayers for the Wii has a pair of bikini-clad samurai sisters facing off against a horde of zombies. A hack-and-slash, look for it next year.

Based on the stop-motion series, Shaun the Sheep is coming for the DS this Winter. Play as Shaun as he tries to corral all the sheep who've escaped before the farmer returns. The game contains three modes, and will use the touch screen and microphone. No other details are yet known.



Get to play as Tinkerbell in Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell. The game emphasizes the many ways to dress Tinker Bell up, as well as interacting with your fellow village fairies and completing mini-games. Will be available in December.

On the Wii, High School Musical 3 is a dancing game, although it's unlikely that it will utilize the balance board (makes too much sense, I suppose). On the DS, gameplay details are more scarce, although players will live out the year as one of the movie's characters. Both versions release in the fourth quarter.;title;2

A sequel to Spectrobes, this game is an action RPG with many homages to Pokemon. This game will include online battles, as well as integration with Disney's new DS Gamer community service. The first game is widely regarded as a solid entry, and this one is shaping up to be equally good. It releases in October.

What would it be like to play Rock Band, but without any of the instrument peripherals? If you're really curious, then Disney is willing to give you an answer! Ultimate Band also focuses on the various instruments you'd play in a real band, but it will be controlled with just the Wiimote and Nunchuck, or the touch screen, depending on which version you play. Initial impressions have been underwhelming, but the game does not release until September, so perhaps it's improved since then.



For everyone who's ever had an itch to be Frankenstein, there's Monster Lab. Assemble your creation (literally), and then take it into the world in a turn based RPG. Find new parts scattered throughout the world, or by defeating enemies, and use them to upgrade your own beast. Alternatively, you can create your own parts. Parts are more than aesthetic, though: each part has its own powers and effects, and you select which part to use and which part of your enemy you want to target. The Wii version launches in October: the DS' version does not yet have a release date announced.;title;1

Another sequel to the now-revitalized franchise, Tomb Raider: Underworld will be released for the Wii this November alongside the HD versions. The developer is promising an improved AI, and Gamespot's hands-on was mostly positive.



The original Game Party's done quite well for itself in sales, so it comes as little surprise that Midway will be milking it. Game Party 2 was announced a few months ago, but no details were released. Still, we can expect several mini-games, hopefully with a budget release price, with a release date in September.

Based on a professional wrestling league, TNA Impact! will release this September for the Wii. Expect a wrestling game with motion controls, although no impressions are yet available.

No info available.

The first Touchmaster centered around pick-up and play mini-games, such as trivia and solitaire, and the sequel will likewise revolve around this genre. It releases in early October.

Okay, I now actually have some (possible) respect for Midway. Master Mechanic is the spiritual sequel to the early 90's PC hit The Incredible Machine. 100 levels are available, with players using contraptions and physics to achieve whatever goal they're given. Even better, the game will include a level editor, letting you make your own fiendish contraptions. Look for it in October.



Another release in the Harvest Moon series, this one has a bit of a twist: rather than gaining a farm in some small town, you now wash up onto a deserted island which once had habitants. You and your fellow castaways set to work settling the island, and more people come to the island if your production is good enough (up to a hundred people, in fact). Other series staples like cooking and marriage will return, although it's unclear if Power Berries will too.

The Wii's entry into the Harvest Moon franchise will also show up at E3. Once again, you settle onto a farm and must wake up the Goddess. This time, though, you'll have to break a sweat when working on your farm, as the tools are motion controlled. Also new are some of the animal types, which allow you to raise penguins and pandas to join the old pantheon. It's also supposed to be the biggest Harvest Moon yet in terms of size. And being the Harvest Moon whore that I am, I'm sure to pick it up at some point, even though rumblings from Japan say it's not too hot a title...It releases in late August.

For those of you who are getting tired of Harvest Moon, Natsume offers you Rune Factory instead. There's still ranching, farming, and mining, but now there's combat and slavery animal taming to add to the list. Like its predecessor, Rune Factory 2 will let you take the occassional break from your farm to go out on adventures, mixing up the formula a bit. It's release date in the U.S. is as yet unknown.

"From the creative minds behind Rune Factory and Harvest Moon with the development studio responsible for the Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy IV DS remakes comes Avalon Code...(u)sing the main character’s ‘Book of Prophecy’, players can modify the rules of engagement during battle as well as weapon and monster attributes. The player even has control over the story as it changes depending on which gender the player chooses to play as, enhancing the ability to immerse themselves into the story. Avalon Code DS is scheduled for release Q1 2009."




A shoot-'em-up with a twist, players will use the touch screen to defeat incoming enemies by launching fireworks at them. If you miss, you'll have to dodge the firework you just sent up. If nothing else, this game will be pretty. Its release date is unknown.

Mister Slime has already been released, but it's still listed as showing up at E3. A platformer of sorts, players touch the screen to have the character reach towards that spot: he'll grab anything that's there, and can use it so defeat enemies or solve puzzles. It's received a score in the 70's, so the critics found it serviceable enough.

A tower defense-esque game, one in which you assign and train ninja villagers to defend the village from your enemies. Different ninjas have different strengths and abilities, although some are limited to their dojos (towers), so place them accordingly. 1up's play-through was mostly positive, although it was only based on a single level. It comes out in October.



I'll admit it. I laughed when Surfer Girl reported there was a cheerleading game coming to the Wii. Whoops. In All-Star Cheer Squad, players take on the role of a cheerleader, completing the routine on-screen and eventually being offered the chance to create your own routine. The Wii version will use the Wiimote and nunchuk as well as the Balance Board, while the DS version will be touch-based (which is a little creepy, to be honest). It will go head to head with Namco's We Cheer later this year. IGN is already saying it out-DDRs DDR, and Wii Fanboy added "We've never had any interest in cheerleading, but as a premise for a rhythm-action video game, it sounds surprisingly fun." It releases in October.

Deadly Creatures came a bit out of left field: an original IP from THQ in which you play the role of either a scorpion or tarantula. You'll battle other animals in the desert, from snakes to spiders, to man himself. IGN's hands-on was generally positive, and the footage looks pretty enough. Time will tell if THQ can actually deliver in the end. It releases on Halloween.

From the creators of Drawn to Life comes Lock's Quest, another Tower Defense game. The game seems to be fairly fast-paced, with two minutes of build time interspered with two minutes of combat. I haven't run across any actual hands-on yet, but the gaming sites seem generally optimistic about this one, meaning this could mark two quality THQ titles for a Nintendo system in one year. It comes out in September.

Take Viva Pinata on the 360. Strip away a few features, make it touch-controlled, and viola! Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise emerges. Build your garden to appeal to the pinatas, who will stay or go according to what they think of your plot of land. The goal is to have them settle down, but they're fickle little b*******, so you've got your work cut out for you. It releases in September.

The other gay porn professional wrestling game coming to the Wii and DS this year, WWE vs. Smackdown Raw 2009 actually has a good pedigree, as the THQ wrestlers are generally solid to great. Tag-team is the newest emphasis in 2009, with you and your partner now sharing the same momentum bar. Players can also create their own finishing moves, entrances, and celebrations, which in the Wii version is done by acting out whatever motion you want your character to mimic. It comes out for the Wii and DS in November.

Coming out for both the DS and the Wii, de Blob is based on a student project in Holland. Players must spread life back to the city by stealing back the colors stolen by Inkt Corp., after which they'll use the city as their personal canvas. IGN's impressions have all been quite positive, with the only quibble being an occasional framerate hiccup (something the developers claim they have since fixed). Still, they have not previewed the DS version yet, so caveat emptor. The Wii version is certain to be there at E3, and will release in September: no word on the DS version yet.

From the makers of Rise of Nations and Rise of Legends comes a new Wii game. Roughly a year ago they advertised for a art designer for a "quirky" and "fun" Wii game which would be any concept artist's dream to work on. And that's all we know so far. Still, THQ isn't shy about announcing its line-up a year or more before release, and the team will have had enough time to show at least a trailer by now, so here's hoping we find out what it is at E3.


Take the same formula used in Lego Star Wars and Lego Indiana Jones, but apply it to the Batman universe. That's Lego Batman. Batman's toys are now front and central when it comes to combat, with him and Robin having different arsenals. Gameplay is otherwise similar to the other Lego games, so if you loved those, this game should be right up your alley. The Wii version releases in September.



In a year that's seen Brawl and Mario Kart, I still maintain that the only 2008 release more enticing than this gem is Spore. Little King's Story has an all-star development team behind it, and combines Pikmin with Harvest Moon with Sim City for what I'm hoping is a smorgasboard of awesome. Players control the titular little king, whose magic crown makes the villagers obey him unquestioningly. Develop your kingdom, defend it from the monsters in the countryside, and conquer your neighbors in this adorable offering from X-Seed. It's release date is uncertain, but it is planned for this year.

"X-Seed is about to surprise you... In a good way. They have two things in their E3 lineup you won't be able to guess, one announcement that floored me, but just for fun… make a guess. I want to see if anyone gets it right." There's no onfirmation yet on what system(s) these games will arrive, but the makers of Little King's Story have my permission to do whatever they want.

The localization of this game was announced after the above entry, so it may or may not be one of the titles alluded to, but X-Seed is porting over Retro Game Challenge. "Featuring a story-driven progression, players complete short challenges in a wide-variety of fictional retro-games. Specific challenges in shooting, racing, action and even an epic role-playing game are integrated into the story, while the in-game magazines offer cheat codes as well as fake 80’s news stories paying tribute to the rich history of the gaming industry." No release date has yet been given.

Populous is back, and it's coming to the DS. It will release this Fall. For the few uninitiated, Populous is the original God Game, in which you create and control a civilization and use direct it to achieve the level's goals. It's being optimized to use the DS controls, including touch screen.

Like Retro Game Challenge, this game was announced by X-Seed after the cryptic teaser was handed out, and may or may not be one of the titles. In any case, Korg DS-10 lets players have their own portable synthesizer in the dorm of the DS. You can link up to four DS for maximum synthesizing fun. Look for it this October.







Actually an intriguing concept from Ubisoft, Allen Car's Easy Way to Stop Smoking is a game designed to benefit you in real life by helping you quit the habit. Allen Car is a self-help guru whose methods supposedly have a 90% success rate when it comes to quitting smoking, and Ubisoft wants to implement it into this game, which will let players keep track of their nicotine use and progress. It releases in October.

The third installment in what seems to be an annual release franchise, Rayman Raving Rabbids: T.V. Party will feature the return of the titular little guys in a new series of mini-games. This time, Rayman is all but vanished, with the focus being on the Rabbids, who've taken over the world's television stations. New to the series is the adoption of the Balance Board, which should not only freshen the series up some, but it will also permit the world's first butt-controlled games. Look for it this November.

Shaun White Snowboarding is coming to all three consoles, but the Wii's version will be different from its HD counterparts. It has its own storyline, and will feature Balance Board and motion controls, although paths will supposedly be more linear than they are in the HD games. It arrives in October.;title;1

Let's get this over with...Imagine Teacher for the DS lets players play the role of a grade school teacher. My Secret World for the DS is essentially a vitrual diary for kids. My Fashion Studios for the DS lets you create your own fashion designs to show off to the world (anorexia and drug addiction will be available via DLC). Imagine Rock Star is a music game for the DS, in which you can also play dress-up with your rocker. Babyz Party for the Wii...okay I can't finish this sentence. Dogz 2008, also for the Wii, is a social experiment in which Ubisoft attempts to bring N64 graphics, merge it with Phillips CD-i level gameplay, and see what happens to players.

Burned by the reaction to Dogz 2008 and Babyz Party, Ubisoft promptly "leaked" the fact that the new Prince of Persia would also be receiving a Wii version, and that it would appear at E3. However, the game will be a spinoff title, not the same version as the HD consoles. Considering what Ubisoft thinks of the Wii, the above picture is probably more accurate than it should be...;title;1

You've got to give Ubisoft credit: they certainly got the last laugh on Nintendo fans this year. Above is the actual character for the DS version of Prince of Persia: The Fallen King, which is also a spinoff title. It appears to be a 2D game, although gameplay details are unknown. Gives a man hope for Ubisoft's future Nintendo support, doesn't it?

God, I need a drink...



The DS will be getting a third installment of the Castlevania series with Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. This time, players take control of a power magic user in her fight against Dracula and his army. The basic controls mimic those of Symphony of the Night, complete with having each hand assigned to a separate button, but the new magic system is supposed to spice the whole thing up to a new level. Its release date is unknown.;title;1

The rumors were true: Konami is making a Castlevania game for the Wii. And it's a 3D fighter. Castlevania Judgment is supposed to not only have traditional one-on-one beat 'em up action, but also traps to lure your opponent into, and enemies which attack the combatants. It also has connectivity with Order of Ecclessia, although all we know about it is that it unlocks Maria as a fighter. No release date has been announced yet.

Although it's not as popular as it used to be, the DDR series continues to make Konami plenty of money, which is why it's set to continue on the Wii with Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party 2. New stages, new characters, and more interactivity with the wiimote and nunchuk are all planned for this title, which as of yet lacks a release date.

DS owners have had the chance to get shipwrecked on a deserted island for years, so in a gesture of egalitarianism Konami is bringing the series to the Wii with Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked. It features over 40 mini-games for activities like starting a fire, fishing, etc. Impressions from 1up were mixed, but they noted there's still time to fix this one up. It releases in November.

Those of you who are older may remember Track and Field when it released on the NES. Konami's updating that game with New International Track and Field for the DS, which brings back the button mashing fun. Already released in Europe to generally positive reviews, this game will let players take to track meets as classic Konami characters, like Snake and Pyramid Head (isn't that worth the price of admission alone?) It releases this month in the States.

Konami recently announced what many have long suspected: Elebits will have a sequel. What's unanticipated was that it's coming to the DS, not the Wii. Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero involves using the variously charged Elebits to solve puzzles. This game is rumored to have wi-fi head-to-head, and four player local battles. It releases in August.;title;1

Players interested in becoming a rock star who haven't played either Guitar Hero or Rock Band now have a third option: Rock Revolution from Konami. Konami actually started the whole platic instruments craze, but its games never left Japan, so for many westerners this will be their first introduction to the series. This time, the game will feature more than just J-Rock, and like its competitors it will have guitars, drums, and vocals (none of which will probably be compatible with the other series). Gamespot tried out and liked the drum set, although that and the fact that forty tracks are expected is the limit of what we know about this game. Its release date is unknown, although a DS version is also planned.

Indoor Sports is the title of a Wii game releasing sometime this year. That is the full extent of what we know about this title so far.

Continuing the renaissance point and click adventure games have been enjoying recently is Time Hollow. The story revolves around Japanese high-schoolers, but more intriguing is that players can use the stylus to manipulate time itself, letting the player set right to wrongs in two distinct timelines. It releases in October.

No info available.

Looks like a tween girl game. I couldn't find any info on the game itself, and the Winx website is in French. But I'm sure you can scrape up something if you REALLY want to...

The DS looks to further the gap between it and every other current system in the RPG department with Iron Feather. Featuring three party members at a time, the game lets the player control the main character, with the others staying under the computer's control. Release date is unknown.

Developed by Konami-owned Hudson, Tetris Party is a WiiWare game with new modes and wireless or local multiplayer, which allows up to six people to play at once. Its release date in Japan has been pushed back to sometime in 2008: good luck finding out anything for its American release.

In a gutsy move, Hudson is creating another Bomberman game. This time, the Wii will be the recipient of two separate versions. The WiiWare version will be limited to the multiplayer segment, while the retail version will have that plus a story mode and separate mini-games. Which one do you think is going to sell better? Look for it later this year.

The freakiest game of pinball you'll ever see, Alien Crush was released almost twenty years ago, although it's seen updates since then. The latest one is now coming to WiiWare, this time with an online leaderboard for pinball fanatics. It releases in August in Japan, with a western release unconfirmed but almost certain.


Sonic's looks to be coming back to form (...again...) with Sonic Unleashed. Primarily a 2D side-scroller, like the Genesis originals, the game will have a version released for the Wii that's a little different from its HD counterparts. While that usually means the game's being put on the back-burner, Wii-owners may actually be benefitting here, as the Wii version's levels will be designed by Dimps, makers of the Sonic Rush games (i.e. the playable ones). Look for it this November.

This is what happens when you let fans have input. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is the title chosen by an internet poll for Sonic's first RPG. Developed by Bioware, Sonic teams up with up to three friends at a time and engages in Mario RPG-esque battles, in which attacks are implemented or enhanced by touch input. IGN's hands-on was decidely mixed, with the controls not being as fun or responsive as they should be, but Bioware has until the end of September to tighten things up.

Everyone's second-favorite monkey ever returns to the Wii in Samba de Amigo. A port of the Dreamcast game, Samba on the Wii ditches the specialized maraca controllers, and lets players instead use either the wiimote and nunchuk, or two wiimotes (the latter means Nintendo's finally lifted that restriction, so expect more such two-wiimote games in the future). Maraca shells are heavily rumored to come with the game, although it's unclear if the shells will have beads (most likely, the sound will be left to the Wiimotes). The full setlist is still unknown, but many of the play modes that were formerly exclusive to Japan's version will be including in the Wii's. Look for it in September.

Many Wii gamers have been thirsting for blood, and No More Heroes was not enough to quench this desire. So along comes Mad World. A highly stylized title that features only three colors (what's black and white and red all over?) Mad World does not shy away from violence. In fact, it may run into Manhunt 2 level problems when it comes time to be rated...It's not expected to release this year, but it's almost certain that Sega will announce some more details for it at E3.

Still a working title, Infinite Line for the DS also has a 2009 release date, but there's enough interest that Sega's probably going to show something at E3. A sci-fi RPG with a twist, players customize their spaceship and crew, selecting compenents and stationing members while exploring the galaxy. Screenshots are promised for release shortly: until then, keep your eyes on this one.


Lucasarts' massive-budget game (and apparent swan song), Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will be set loose on the Wii and DS this September. The Wii version lacks the graphics and physics of the HD versions, but substitutes lightsaber motion controls, five exclusive extra levels, and the exclusive Duel Mode, in which two players go head to head using lightsabers and Force powers to take each other out.



Following in the footsteps of last year's Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV is being remade with a new engine on the DS. This is the game that set many of the cliches followed by other RPGs, and features the only character I know of who changes his loyalty more often than most people change their underwear. It releases later this month, and probably won't be the focus of Square-Enix at E3, but expect it to have a presence.

Once upon a time, Squaresoft and Enix dueled to control the JRPG field. Where Squaresoft had Final Fantasy, Enix had Dragon Quest, the only series that legally can not release on a weekday in Japan for fear of lost productivity. Now, western players will have their first shot at playing Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen in September. Expect old-school style quests and grinding in this remake of an SNES classic.

Revealed only days ago, Chrono Trigger is being remade on the DS. The game is a port of the SNES game, rather than the long-rumored Chrono Break, and it will follow in the footsteps of the Final Fantasy Advanced games in that it will contain an extra dungeon and a few new features.

A puzzle game made by Taito, Exit for the DS is not, in fact, a part of the Ogre Battle series, which makes me heartbroken. What it is is a puzzle game ported from the PSP, only this time with poorer sound and graphics but with touch controls. 1up reported some technical problems a while ago, and it's unknown if they've been fixed since then. It releases in September.

A complete blast from the past, Legend of Kage 2 is coming to the west on the DS. A sequel to a Taito game from 1987, Legend of Kage is a side-scrolling beat-em-up, although now without the one-hit you're-dead mechanics. Look for it in September.




American players old enough to remember the NES probably also remember the original Tecmo Bowl. And now it's returning to the DS and Wii with Tecmo Bowl Kickoff. The game features a much simpler playbook than the Maddens of the world, with offense and defense selecting one of four basic plays. Since EA has bought the NFL liscense for a few more years, teams and players will be fictional, although the player can customize each team's name, uniform, and stats to get around that restriction. Both versions feature online play, with the DS version launching this September and the Wii one following a few months later.


(With thanks to Famousringo for the link)

Players will soak in the action in SPRay by playing a spirited Prince named Ray who must save his village from a banished evil Queen who's returned to capture and enslave the villagers. After donning a magic crown which summons two liquid spraying spirits, he sets out to defeat the evil Queen and her army of anti-matter soldiers. Skillfully use the "angelic" and "wicked" spirits to spray water, oil, goo, and other liquids on enemies and surfaces to solve puzzles and wipe out evil.

A colorful RTS for the DS, Robocalypse has a plot written by Spongebob Squarepants' creator. A very deadly, but very polite, AI has taken over the rbots of a factory, and it's up to the player to take them all down. Unit AI's are supposed to be tailored to their strengths, i.e. medics will automatically try to stay out of the line of fire, etc., thereby decreasing the need for micromanagement. Its release date is unknown.



An RPG for the DS, Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2 is a liscensed game which unlike its predecessor was built with the DS in mind. The result, according to IGN, is a much stronger game which is actually somewhat fun to play. Look for it this September.

The other Naruto title, Naruto: Clash of the Ninja Revolution 2 for the Wii is also the first game built with its system in mind from the start. Unlike the DS game, Clash is a 3D fighter which promises a large cast and a storyline. Look for it this October.



In Marker Man Adventures for the DS, you'll control a stick figure, and use the touch screen to solve puzzles in order to rescue your dog. Players will draw whatever item they need to solve the puzzle, and move on from there. Sounds intriguing, but it will probably be more limited than it should be. Releases in 2009.

The next installment in the Cooking Mama series is coming to Wii. Cooking Mama: World Kitchen will now be in the newfangled 3D, but the gameplay seems to be the same as previous installments: use the wiimote to mimic the actions you'd do to cook the dish, with success or failure depending on how well you performed. Now, you can also control the Mama, as she dives in to repair whatever damage you did.

Away Shuffle Dungeon for the DS will release this Fall. Players take the role of a young swordsman, named Sword, who is the last remaining resident of a once large village. In this RPG, Sword must venture out to rescue all the villagers who have gone missing. It's got a good pedigree behind it, so check in and see how it shapes up later this year.

Our House is a Wii game being made by the same guys who made Blast Works. The two games are mostly unrelated, as Our House involves designing and decorating a dream home. However, the two do share a strong connectivity component, with players using the Wii's wi-fi to share their home in an "online neighborhood." There is no release date yet.

From the creators of the original rhythm game, PaRappa the Rapper, comes Major Minor's Majestic March for the Wii. The goal of the game is to create the ultimate marching band. To do so, players will travel the world recruting new musicians, assigning each of them one of fifteen instruments, and then conducting them by using the wiimote as a baton. The release date is unknown.

Babysitting Mania for the DS launches this Fall. A sequel to the PC game Nanny Mania, Babysitting Mania has players juggle unruly kids and a variety of chores while battling the clock.

The Trauma Center games were good, especially on the Wii, but there are only two of them. Fortunately, Majesco is willing to fill in the gap. Zoo Hospital involves the same general gameplay as Trauma Center, only now you're operating on animals rather than humans. Additionally, you'll sometimes have to go and get your patients, rather than always having them come to you. Look for it in September.





These games are either known to exist but have not yet been formally announced as being ported to the West, or else they're heavily rumored to exist but have not yet been formally announced.




The second Nintendo remake on the DS, Fire Emblem covers the first game in the series. The gameplay appears to be classic Fire Emblem, albeit with a new coat of paint, but if it's localized this would mark the first chance Western players get to play as Marth outside of Smash Bros. Since all the recent Fire Emblem games have been ported, this is all but certain to reach the West this year. It's Japanese release date is early August.

We know Factor 5 applied for the liscense, as reported at the beginning of the year. IGN has confirmed that this game exists, and has all but revealed that Factor 5 got the job after all. However, Cassamassina's blog has him backtracking a tad: although he maintains that the game exists, he is not willing to say whether it will appear at this year's E3 or not. Considering how quickly Factor 5 can work, though, if they are developing the game then it is likely that it will rear its head two weeks from now.

Originally a launch title, this game is being developed by Monolith Software, and apparently impressed Nintendo enough that it purchased the studio (the last time that happened was Retro Studios, and that turned out alright). However, we've learned only the most basic details about the game since, and it not only missed its launch date in Japan, but has been "indefinitely postponed." Since its unlikely that Nintendo would just throw away three-plus years of work, the game is probably not cancelled outright, but whether it will show up at E3 is as unknown as everything else about this game.

The latest in the franchise, Pokemon Platinum is coming to the DS in Japan this September. The game is essentially the same as its immediate predecessors, but will feature new trainers, a new area, and the ability to get more legendaries.

Kirby for Wii is still planned to be released this fiscal year, as Nintendo revealed in one of its financial reports. However, we have no information or screenshots of this title. It is probably a continuation of the cancelled Kirby Gamecube game, but even that is speculation. However, if Nintendo plans to release it by the end of the year, E3 would be a great time to unveil it.

Revealed as a demo at E3 2006, and then mostly unseen since, Wii Motorsports is supposed to allow players to use the Wiimote to controls several vehicles. So far though, the only confirmed one is the airplane, with a jet ski being rumored. Whether this game will ever be more than a demo is uncertain, but there's a good chance that this will be thrown out to a Pilotwings-hungry public.

Announced in 2006, DS Air is supposed to be an aerial dogfighting game for the DS with wi-fi multiplayer. The title has not been seen or heard from since, although IGN still lists it as a 2008 release. If it doesn't show up this year, it's probably vaporware.

This adventure/puzzle hybrid hasn't quite lit up the charts in the U.S. like it has in Japan. Nonetheless, you can't argue with a quarter of a million in sales, especially when all you have to do is localize the game. A sequel has already been released in Japan, and the U.S. game refers to a secret code in the sequel, so there's a very good chance this game will show up at E3.

Unfortunately, Malstrom has updated his site, so the news section from May is no longer available (help with that, guys?). But that month, he reported not only that Iwata was unusually confident that the DS would continue to do well in Japan, where its sales have been slowly declining, but also the enigmatic statement that a single piece of software can sometimes sell games in and of itself, a la Pokemon or Monster Hunter. In that same post, Malstrom reported that Yaumachi was still b****-slapping Miyamoto around, and had ordered him to go to the park to test some piece of experimental DS software. Take all of this as you will, but personally I think Nintendo's readying something major for the DS, either for E3 or for the Tokyo Game Show later this year.

Pikmin 3 leads the list, because we know that Miyamoto is definitely interested in creating it. Last year, he proclaimed that the Pikmin series was not dead, and that it was a perfect fit for the Wii. Last month, he revealed that he was gathering ideas for the game. Still, internet rumblings are increasingly saying that this title will show up at E3, and I'm starting to believe them.

(Posted with permission from Naznatips' 2008 DS games thread)

Soma Bringer is the first game developed by Monolith since Nintendo acquired them as first party last year. It's an action RPG with an anime style. All combat takes place in real time and on the same map as exploration (no random enounters, no battle screen). The game offers online multiplayer co-op and local co-op.



We know that Will Wright loves the Wii. We know that's why the Wii is the only console getting a version of Spore (so far). We know it'll be released a few months after the other games. And that's about all we know. Conflicting reports say that this game is either a replica of the PC version, or another spinoff like Spore Creatures. It's also not listed on EA's E3 list for this year, so it's uncertain whether this game will even pop up at E3. Fingers crossed, people!

Just announced, Sim Animals is coming to the Wii and the DS. "Described as a 'woodland ecosystem god game where Disney-style characterisation meets the teeth and claws of the Discovery Channel', this is a far cry from The Sims 2: Pets. You'll be able to scroll through a landscape and pick up plants and animals and care for them similarly to 'human' Sims, maintaining their happiness levels and making sure they don't die." It comes out next year.



A sequel of sorts to the platinum selling Carnival Games, Carnival Games Mini-Golf will be coming to the Wii at the end of September. No other details have been released so far, but the prospect of getting my ball into the castle before the drawbridge pulls up is enjoyable in reality, so why not give this game a fair chance (don't answer that)? That said, the game is not formally listed as showing up at E3, although it's unlikely that 2K will omit it entirely.



Originally planned as a spinoff title, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World is a direct sequel to the Gamecube hit Tales of Symphonia. This time, players will initially control a different teenage swordsman, who is hunting down Symphonia's main character Lloyd and who will eventually meet and join up with members of the original cast. Players will also be able to befriend monsters and get them to join his team, with a final tally of over 300 playable creatures. The game is also motion-captured, and looks silky smooth. Already released in Japan, with a Western release certain, it is highly likely that this game will show up at E3.

Namco's attempt to hop on the Pokemon craze, Digimon's been around for years, complete with its own cartoons. This summer, the latest installment will arrive on the DS. Digimon World Championship does away with any storyline, however, focusing instead on the training and battle segments.

Another mini-game fest for the Wii, Active Life Outdoor Challenge at least comes with its own mat. In fact, it's an upgraded version of the NES Powerpad, by most reports. The game is designed to keep you moving, and it does. Previews say it's not bad for a mini-game collection, so if you can't find Wii Fit maybe this will tide you over for a bit.

(With thanks to rudyrsr8 for the reminder)

Based on an upcoming anime movie, Sky Crawlers is brought to us by the same team that made the Ace Combat series. We know a few details, and they're all quite juicy: the game looks gorgeous, and players will use the Wiimote as their throttle and the nunchuk as the control stick. It releases next month in Japan, with no announced localization plans yet, but I'm betting it's coming out here sooner rather than later.

The other cheerleading, Balance Board using game coming out for the Wii, Namco's We Cheer! is definitely aimed at a younger crowd than THQ's title. Still, appealing to tween girls may not be a bad idea for a cheerleading game.




Race Driver: Grid is the sequel to sim racer Race Driver: Create & Race on the DS. The game allows players to customize their cars, tracks, and pretty much everything else. Grid also has many prebuilt tracks from famous locals around the world such as San Fransisco, Washington DC, Spa, and Nurburbring. Race online or wirelessly in multiplayer.




The latest in the Tenchu series is exclusive to the Wii. A stealth game where players take on the role of a ninja in feudal Japan, the first Tenchu was a solid game and a modest hit. Installments since then have been underwhelming. Hopefully, Tenchu IV will shape up and shore up the Wii in the stealth department, a genre in which it offers virtually nothing at the moment.

(Copy and pasted with permission from BengaBenga's 2008 Wii Games thread)

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 is a remake of the original Brothers in Arms game that was one of the most realistic and authentic World War II shooters ever. Based on a true story, the game puts players in the role of Sgt. Matt Baker, a D-Day paratrooper squad leader as he leads the squad through the European campaign. Each battlefield has been meticulously recreated from aerial reconnaissance images, US Army Signal Corps photos and eye-witness accounts of war-torn Normandy. (It releases in August)

(Thanks to L.C.E.C. for the info and link)

Confirmed to exist by Ubisoft, before hastily being denied, too many soures are saying this game is in development for it not to be true. Supposedly the game was scrapped to be overhauled a year ago, which is promising because it means actually effort will be put into this title. On the other hand, it's Ubisoft...the only thing that's fairly certain is that this game will have online: we're in the dark about everything else. ONM is claiming that the game will release this December, so if true it's almost guaranteed to show up at E3. Just be warned: ONM occassionally gets egg on their faces when it comes to third-parties...

(With thanks to Skip for the info and link)

Think Cooking Mama mixed with competitive reality T.V. Just announced, Hell's Kitchen: The Video Game is coming to the Wii this September, and lets players compete in the reality show while being heckled and insulted by the voice of Gordon Ramsey himself.



A point and click adventure game ported from the PC, players will attempt to find survivors of an earthquake inside a museum, and then try to...escape it. The game is coming this holiday season at the budget price of $20. Point and clicks really seem to be making a comeback, huh? Yeah...I've got nothing to say about this one.

If you have a Balance Board, but are somehow not satisfied with Wii Fit, you can always try Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum. Focusing on four areas of exercise, Fitness Ultimatum will also utilize the Balance Board to make gamers move, making it the first (possibly second) Wii Fit clone so far. It releases in November, just in time for Thanksgiving.

For those of you who can't get enough Carnival Games, Majesco is bringing you Wonder World Amusment Part for the Wii. It's the same deal as Carnival Games: 35 motion controlled mini-games, of the type you find at amusements parks and carnivals. It releases on the 8th of July in the U.S., with a DS version being planned for later this year.

A wii sequel to an online flash game, Cake Mania: In the Mix! has new motion mini-games added onto traditional Cake Mania gameplay. Players create and control their own baking empire, although now they can also use the wiimote to frost and design their own cakes. It does not yet have a release date.

A touch controlled puzzle game for the DS, Rollin' Rascals has players match up animals to send them home. IGN's hands-on pegged it as an okay puzzle game. It releases in August.

Air Traffic Chaos for the DS puts players in an air traffic controller's seat. Assign and guide airplanes to and from the tarmac, while juggling airlines' schedules and airplanes' fuel supplies. It releases in August.

Another point and click game, players take the role of Nancy Drew through nine levels in Nancy Drew: The Mystery of the Clue Bender Society as she tails suspects, gathers clues, and solves mysteries. The game promises to use all of the DS' features, and will release this month in the U.S.





A 2D fighter developed by Treasure, Bleach: Dark Souls has been getting rave reviews since its Japanese launch. Some call it the definitive fighter on the DS. With forty-four playable characters, tag-battles, four player local wireless, and cinematic moves, DS owners are in for a treat this August.

For players who enjoy Charades and the like, Sega is releasing PictoImage this August. Players draw the image of a word, and other players compete to see who can guess the correct word first.

Pokemon meets dinos in this Sega game based on the mushi (insect fighting). Collect and battle a hundred dinosaurs, with roughly 240 different attacks, and become a Dino Master. Comes out in August.

Yet another point and click adventure on a Nintendo system, Nancy Drew: the White Wolf of Icicle will put players back in the shoes of heroine gumshoe Nancy Drew. A port of a PC game, it releases in October.

Shiren 3 was released in Japan this year for the Wii, where it's done...alright. Still, localization of this game wouldn't cost Sega too much, and Sega likes money. Sega also ported over Shiren the Wanderer for the DS, so it thinks there's at least some interest in the genre here. Still, this is far from a sure thing: whether the game shows up at E3 (or the west) depends on how Sega's interpreted Shiren's sales on the DS. Here's hoping!


With Guitar Hero: World Tour set to steal its thunder, Rock Band has fired back with Rock Band 2. The game is confirmed to have a Wii version, which will likely be shown at distributor EA's booth at E3. There s no word yet on precisely what features the game will have, or if Harmonix will manage to do what Neversoft is and include online play and DLC for the Wii version, or if it too will be gimped. The game will release in September for the 360, with the other versions coming out "a few months later."


Okay, this game can't help but be cool. Nerf-N-Strike was announced last year, but hasn't surfaced since. Nonetheless, there are some things we know about it: it releases in November, it's probably a light gun game, it comes with the controller pictured above, and said controller can morph into a real nerf gun when you're not playing the game. That is just too cool for words.

A sequel to "everyone's" favorite rhythm game Boogie is coming this year to the Wii. Boogie SuperStar will release in October, and come with a microphone. Although it's a dancing game, it does not appear to have any Balance Board support as far as we know. Also, the...thing...from the first game will vanish, with players now controlling a variety of girls.

It appears that the next Harry Potter movie is releasing this Fall, since EA will be shipping Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in November. People were intially excited at the prospect of using the wiimote as a wand, but the previous Potter game didn't deliver. Don't expect this one too, either.



The second Star Wars game coming out for the DS and Wii this year, Star Wars: The Clone Wars will be centered around the titular event, when Anakin was still a whiny little b**** rather than the badass that is Vader. In addition to the differing artstyles, this game differs from Force Unleashed in that it focuses much more on the lightsaber than on the Force powers. Look for them in November. (The reason it's listed here, rather than in the "certain to show" section is that LucasArts may hesitate to showcase two Star Wars games at the same event. But they probably are going to do it anyways.)


Square-Enix's fifth Wii game, Soul Eater is a lsicensed game. The original Soul Eater is a manga in which students forge living weapons. Soul Eater for the Wii is expected to be an adventure game, rather than a traditional JRPG. Its releasing in Japan this September, and though it hasn't been confirmed for localization yet it probably will be at E3.

Square-Enix owned Taito's not been doing too hot recently, but their WiiWare game looks positively titillating. Space Invaders: Get Even lets you reenter the Space Invader universe, but this time you'll be controlling the aliens rather than shooting them down. As a WiiWare game, the release date is uncertain to all but Nintendo, and it's probably not going to be emphasized much by Square-Enix, but there's a decent shot it will show up in some form at E3.

In Sigma Harmonics for the DS, players take on the role of a student whose past is mysteriously rewritten by forces unknown. An RPG with a heavy emphasis on puzzle-solving, Sigma Harmonics utilizes a progression sequence that's being kept under wraps for now, along with touch controls for the heavy exploration you're expected to do. It comes out in Japan this August, with a western release highly likely.

A sequel to a DS game, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days will be coming out for the DS this year. It picks up where Chain of Memories left off, with gameplay expected to remain similar to that of its three predecessors. The meaning of the title will become clear when players finish the game.

In a surprising twist, the next main installment in Japan's beloved series will be on the DS, rather than on any of the consoles. Dragon Quest IX: Protectors of the Starry Sky is expected to release late this year in Japan, with a release date in the west coming some months later.



A WiiWare game developed by Konami-owned HudsonSoft, Blue Oasis lets players have their own virtual aquarium while listening to on of the game's thirty-six classical music tunes. Its release date is unknown.

A sequel to an earlier Wii game, Fishing Master 2 has been announced for a Japanese release this summer. No western release is so far confirmed, but the original managed to make it over, so there's a good chance this one will as well, despite its mediocre reviews.

Konami recently announced Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 for nearly all platforms. Konami has only just confirmed that the Wii will be getting a version of this game, and Gonintendo claims it will launch simultaneously with the other versions (althought that's not officially confirmed.) Good news for everyone, as PES 2008 was one of the most innovative and fun sports game ever made. Finally, the ability to play as the team, not just a player!


A tween girl game, The Cheetah Girls: Passport to Fame for the DS releases in August. The Cheetah Girls will perform throughout the world, with players able to customize the girls' outfits and compete in dancing games.

A tie-in with an upcoming CGI movie, Disney's Bolt will be arriving this winter for the DS and the Wii. Control Bolt, a canine with superpowers, or his owner Penny, who relies more on stealth. The DS version will contain wi-fi features. Look for it this November.

Coming out for the Wii this year is DC Karaoke, with the "DC" presumed to mean Disney Channel. All that's known or rumored about it is that it will have two versions: one with a microphone, and one without.


A ninja platformer for the DS, the original released for the X-Box Live Arcade, and now Atari is hoping to cash in even further with a DS port. In fairness, it's a fun 2D platformer that comes in bite-size pieces, so keep an eye on it this August.



Publisher Gamecock is full of pricks, no doubt about it. But some of the developers they work with seem to have genuine talent and potential. Case in point: Red Fly Studios and their offerings Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars for the Wii and Mushroom Men: Rise of the Fungi for the DS. The founding members are all artists first, which explains why both games are quite beautiful to behold. That said, the emphasis on artwork leaves me wondering how the gameplay is. Speaking of which, players take the role of a newly sentient mushroom, who do what all sentient creatures probably do: gather into clans, and then go to war. The DS version is a sidescroller releasing this month, while the Wii version is a 3D action game that picks up where the DS game left off. Look for it this Fall.

(Pasted with permission from BengaBenga's 2008 Wii games thread)

The real Ghostbusters return in this videogame sequel to the Ghostbusters movies. Stars Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Bill Murray reunite to reprise their roles as Spengler, Stantz, Zeddmore and Venkman. Supporting the ghost busting crew are the talents of Annie Potts, Brian Doyle Murray and William Atherton.

With Manhattain newly overrun by ghosts and other supernatural creatures, it's up to you to take on the role of a new recruit joining the original, famous Ghostbusters team. Equipped with a variety of unique weapons and gadgets, you will hunt, fight and capture a wide range of uncanny phantasms and demons in an all-new, funny and frightening battle to save New York City from its latest paranormal plague.

A first person shooter for the DS from the developers of Dementium: The Ward, Moon involves an alien invasion of the Moon. It has an emphasis on adventure and exploration, and according to IGN it "out metroids Metroid Prime Hunters" (way to set the bar low, guys). It has a release date in 2009, but it's already been previewed to the press this year, so there's a good chance it'll be at E3.



The latest Camelot game, We Love Golf features Capcom rather than Nintendo characters. The control scheme for this game seems to split reviewers: some love it, others think it's clunky and un-intuitive. The American version will feature a few extra Capcom characters, as well as online play. It releases next week.





This section is for games we know that exist, but which will probably not be at E3.





Nintendo's own version of Guitar Hero: On Tour, the original Band Bros. was a smashing success in Japan, but has never seen the light of day in the west. Unfortunately, nothing indicates that this title will be ported either, although Nintendo hasn't excluded the possibility entirely either.

A side-scrolling Nintendo platformer, Starfy's fourth installment launches in Japan next week, but don't count on seeing it at E3: perhaps its becausing of liscensing issues with TOSE, or because Kirby isn't as successful here as he is in Japan, but none of Starfy's three previous games have been released in the west, and there's nothing to say that this one will either.

Evidently a great late-era GBA title, Rhythm Tengoku is another music game which is highly dependent on timing and, well, rhythm. Its predecessor never made it overseas, and it's doubtful that this one will either.

Miyamoto's already gone on record as saying that if the Balance Board reaches enough households worldwide, Nintendo would probably develop new games centered around it. Well, sales of Wii Fit trail only behind those of Mario Kart, without the aid of the inevitable Oprah pimping, so brace yourself for the games. And of course, the most obvious candidate is a snowboarding game, like the one in Wii Fit. Fortunately, Nintendo already has an established and respected snowboarding franchise in 1080. However, if Nintendo really did take a wait and see approach to the matter, Wii Fit wouldn't have been "proven" in the West until fairly recently, which is way too little time to expect this game to be near the completion level Nintendo now requires. Fortunately, there's always next year...

The game released in Germany a while ago, and is expected to launch in Japan and the U.S. sometime this year. There's not much to say about this title (it...has online?), but it's probably too small a fry for Nintendo to bother bringing it to E3.

(With thanks to super_etecoon for the heads-up and the link)

Captain Rainbow was just the other day. We don't know many details, save that Captain Rainbow is an American Hero, that it's a Wii title being developed by Skip (of Chibi-Robo fame), and that it will probably release in Japan by the end of the year, due to Nintendo's new PR strategy. No word yet on if it's coming to the west.

Giles Goddard, the man behind 1080 Snowboarding, is currently chugging away at a WiiWare title that requires use of the Balance Board. No word on what it is, but don't expect it to be a snowboarding one: apart from the fact that Nintendo can make much more money with a retail version, Goddard also said that "some games that you would think work well with the Balance Board actually don't." Look for it whenever Nintendo of America gets its act together with WiiWare.




Officially announced a few weeks ago, Rune Factory: Frontier is the Wii installment of Natsume's sophomore series. It will release in Japan later this year, but Natsume traditionally takes its time when localizing, so it probably won't come out here until mid-2009 at the earliest, making an E3 appearance pre-mature. Still, if Natsume revealed that there will be a worldwide simultaneous release, I won't mind.



The second Namco Wii RPG, this game's website recently opened, giving us some clue that it still existed. The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic Earth, one overrun by spirits. Players use the Wiimote to guide the flashlight, which not only illuminates the area but can also be used to detect spirits and graffitti (the latter of which explains much of the story). Still, the game's release date in Japan is unknown for now, meaning a western release is still a ways away, so don't count on it showing up at E3.

Tales of Heart was announced last week, but we have next to no details about it. While the Tales series has had all of its games ported recently, making this one all but a lock, it's unlikely to show up at E3 since it's an RPG which has had next to nothing about it revealed: look for it at the Tokyo Games Show instead.

It was recently stated by Namco that the next Mothership game will be on the Wii, which means so will the next Tales of main series game. Details on the title are scarce, although it's expected to launch in Japan next March. Don't expect it to be at E3, though: there are already too many Tales games that are coming soon for Namco to focus on one so distant, especially when the Tokyo Games Show is closer to the release date.

(Copied with permission from Naznatips' 2008 DS games thread)

The Tales franchise makes an appearance on the DS in this action RPG. Tales of Innocence features extensive voice acting and animated cutscenes along with an engaging real time combat system. The game has not actually been officially announced for a North American release, but we can hope.



A card-based RPG game for the DS, Elemental Monster released in Japan last year, but Hudson has not expressed the slightest interest in porting this game over. Don't expect that to change anytime soon, either.

Hudson is releasing its own version of Singstar in Japan this year. The game can be purchased at retail (where it includes a microphone) or via WiiWare (microphone not included). In both versions, players will be able to download one of the thousands of songs Hudson is promising, but rather than doing so on a per-song basis, people will simply subscribe to the service and download as many of the available songs as they want. Its odds of coming to the west are low, seeing as how it would involve an entirely separate playlist and a liscensing nightmare, but there is the slim chance it could still come.

It's picross, but for the Wii. Like Bomberman, two separate versions of this are planned, one for WiiWare, with a meatier version getting a retail release. Unlike Bomberman, though, Picross does not seem likely to make it out of Japan, so it's definitely not going to show up at E3.

The latest sign that everything old is new again on the Wii, Hudson is planning a sequel to Adventure Island, "probably" for WiiWare. The game is still very early in the planning phase, though, so don't expect it to pop up this year at E3. Next year is a different story.




A liscensed game with Marvel, The Mighty Thor is planned to tie-in with the movie next summer. No details have been released about this game yet, including platforms, but since it's a tie-in it'll probably release for anything and everything. Still, details are unlikely to surface before the movie receives a trailer, so don't count on seeing this one at E3.


Another Dragon Quest remake for the DS, Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride will be launching in Japan this year and is confirmed as arriving here some day, but judging by the speed at which Square-Enix localizes its games westerners shouldn't expect it to arrive this year. Since Square-Enix already has one Dragon Quest remake to trot out at E3, don't expect V to have more than a brief cameo, if that.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers was first shown at E3 in 2006, alongside Final Fantasy XIII and FF XIII Versus. Since then, all three titles have disappeared, with some even whispering that Crystal Bearers had been cancelled. IGN reported early this year that that was not the case, but shortly thereafter passed along reports that the game was suffering some development difficulties. What we know as of 2006 is that the game is set in the Crystal Chronicles universe, that it is an Action RPG which uses motion controls to attack, and...well that's it, really, and all of that may have changed years ago. However, work on XIII is nearing completion, so surely Square-Enix won't keep Wii owners on tenterhooks for too much longer...right? (IGN says they will)

Announced the day this post was made, Cid Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon: Maze of Time DS+ is a DS version of the newly released Wii game, but with an extra segment from Cid's perspective and an as-of-yet undecided extra class. Since Square-Enix has plenty of games to show at E3, this one probably won't be there, but look for it at the Tokyo Game Show. It releases in Japan this Fall.

Chocobo and the Magic Storybook - The Witch and the Girl and the Five Heroes is the second chocobo DS game announced this morning. A series of mini-games with a Final Fantasy theme, it releases this Winter in Japan, with no localization announced yet.

(Taken with permission from Naznatips' 2008 DS games thread)

After the success of Front Mission 1st (A remake of the original) on the DS, Square Enix decided to port their Cell Phone game Front Mission 2089 to the DS. While it is a port of a cell phone game, Front Mission 2089 has improved visuals, a fleshed out plot, and touch screen combat controls. For those who don't know, Front Mission is a mech strategy RPG.



The fifth game in the series was confirmed to be in development in early 2007. No details on what will be called Phoenix Wright 5 have been released since then, although a snazzy make-your-own case download is avalliable for Japanese players. Localizing these games usually takes a few months, and considering the fact that it hasn't shown up in Japan yet it probably won't be at E3.

Capcom has heard our pleas, and is now letting players take control of the coolest prosecutor ever. Miles Edgeworth: Perfect Prosecutor has players take on the titular character's role as he solves and prosecutes crimes. In contrast to the Phoenix Wright series, though, the title will be third-person throughout, meaning players must actually walk around to find clues, rather than have them drop into your lap. Like Phoenix Wright 5, the game has no release date in Japan yet, making an E3 appearance highly unlikely.

The mega-hit in Japan which is single-handedly keeping the PSP alive there, Monster Hunter will have its next release on the Wii. The title essentially says everything you need to know about the game's objective, although online co-op is a staple for this action RPG. It's release date is unknown, however, and it hasn't shown up on Capcom's E3 list. It's also primarily a Japanese game, so unveiling it at E3 makes less sense than waiting for the Tokyo Game Show.



Announced just a few days ago, Tecmo's Winds of Nostalgia is an RPG for the DS being developed by the same people who made the Final Fantasy III and IV remakes for that system. Players take control of 19th century Londoners in an RPG which includes ground-and-airship battles. We probably won't be seeing it at E3, though, as it's not going to be released in Japan until late this year, has so far only had a magazine announcement, and is not confirmed for localization.

A sequel, Monster Rancher DS will feature the same kanji-based, monster-raising gameplay as its predecessor. And like its immediate predecessor, the game is probably not going to be released outside of Japan. It comes out in August in Japan, and if you're interested the DS is region-free...

The continuation of an NES series, Rygar: Battle of Argus for the Wii was originally intended to be a straight-from-the-Ps2 port of the game, with waggle and an extra stage tacked on. That no longer appears to be the case. After being delayed for years, the logical conclusion is that the game is either dead (unlikely) or that it's being completely re-made (more likely). In any case, there's nothing to say that the game will show up at E3, although it would be an opportune time to remind the world that the game exists.


A gorgeous RPG for the Wii, and a joint venture between Epoch and Marvelous (!). The game continues in the Arc Rise world, but there's good news for Wii owners: although the previous Arc Rise game was fairly mediocre, Fantasia is being created by a whole new team, so there's potential in this title (albeit potential that can go either way). It has no release date yet, and no western publisher, so don't expect it to appear at E3.



The game's got buzz, I'll give it that. The Conduit was highlighted by IGN a few months back as a mature FPS for the Wii, and it's been in the spotlight ever since. In fairness, it looks pretty good, and this could well mark developer High Voltage as a quality team. Time will tell if this alien-repelling game will actually live up to the hype, but don't expect to find out at E3: High Voltage doesn't have a spot at the event, and the lack of a publisher means this probably won't appear.

Personally speaking, this title interests me far more than The Conduit does. Animales de la Muerte is set in modern Mexico. The man who runs the local zoo has seen it assaulted by something that's turning the animals into zombies, and he turns to his neice and nephew for help. The gameplay looks like Smash TV in the new millenium, and the over-the-top cutesy violence leaves an inexplicable smile on my face. A WiiWare game, it's theoretically launching in September, but don't hold anyone but Nintendo to that.

Last Flight is the fourth WiiWare game being developed by High Voltage. You play the role of a food critic on a flight over the Pacific: during your flight, the plane becomes completely infested with vampires. Fight your way through them using whatever items you can find on the plane. You'll often have to combine items together to turn them into viable weapons, however, most notably the stakes you'll need to finish the job. For extra awesomeness, you'll fight the vampires with a whip as well (Konami, are you watching?). Its release date is unknown.



If the goal of WiiWare was to let developers think outside the box, then I'd say it's already a smashing success. Major League Eating may have missed its holiday, but players will still be able to use the Wiimote and nunchuk to snarf down as much as they can within the time limit. But it gets better: Eating too much too quickly leads to gas, acid reflux, and other stomach ailments, so you've got to balance the munching with the digestion. It's also a fighting game of sorts, letting players "attack" their opponent with power-ups. Its release date is as yet unknown.



A 2D puzzle game coming out for WiiWare, World of Goo was made at Nintendo's request. Developer 2D Boy is one of those rare companies that operate out of someone's garage (total permanent employees: 2), but their games have been receiving plaudits from left and right. World of Goo is expected to have similar gameplay to Tower of Goo, a free online flash game that I highly recommend playing. As a WiiWare game, it's unknown when this will release.



Excellent news for the guy who thought Ninjabread Man was fun: a sequel is coming to the Wii this year! In fact, Data Design Interactive will be releasing a new Wii game each month for the next year: Urban Extreme, Kidz Sport Mini Golf, Battle Rage, Pro-Golf Sim, Farmyard Party: Olympigs (...........................), Desktop Mini-golf, Kidz sports Baseball, Kidz sports American Football, Fab 5 Soccer, Karaoke, and Personal Trainer.

Already out in Europe, Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars is a PC port that's coming to the Wii. An action RPG, Call for Heroes offers to characters and fifteen levels in which to rampage through an army of demons. Its American release date has not been announced.



Quick note: Atlus will not be attending E3, but will instead be at some anime expo a few days before E3.

A Mario Party clone with a twist, Dokapon Kingdom is a board game in which up to four players are given a mission by their king. However, players are encouraged to screw the others over. There are far more branching paths in this game than Mario Party, letting players double back if they so wish. This game also has many RPG elements. Players who land on a combat space, at which point the game becomes an RPG (your performance depends on what class you selected, what items you've equipped, etc.). Players can purchase or find equipment as they go along, or go on mini-quests to earn more gold. Overall, it sounds like a fairly deep and enjoyable hybrid. Recently confirmed as being localized, I haven't been able to find any release date for it.

An intriguing DS title, Master of the Monster Lair involves building your own dungeon for the express purpose of luring as many baddies into it as you can. Once they're there, you hunt them down and destroy them. It releases in December.

A roguelike centered around a lazy, unemployed ninja girl, Izuna (the game) enjoys kicking you in the nuts, and laughing while you roll around in agony. This one's no exception, although it's even bigger and badder by all reports. Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja 2 comes out for the DS this month.



(Posted from Naznatips' 2008 DS games thread)

The popular sidescrolling shooter is back with Metal Slug 7 exclusiev to the DS. Use crazy guns in this fast paced sidescroller to blow up anything and everything. This is the first exclusive to consoles Metal Slug ever (the others have all at least been in arcades). This is exactly what fans want. Untainted side-scrolling arcade action.



Collect and raise butterflies in this simulation game. Butterfly Garden won runner-up at Dream, Build, Play, and will be seeing a WiiWare release before it hits XBLA or the PC. Not a whole lot is known about the final game, although online support is planned.



It is a sign of how much the Wii is dominating now that Crash Bandicoot, formerly Sony's unofficial mascot during the PlayStation era, now has his newest game with the Wii as his lead platform. It is a sign of how far he's fallen since his Naughty Dog days that no one particularly seems to care. Crash Bandicoot: Crash of the Titans releases in October on the Wii and DS, and will feature Crash returning to the platforming that first made him famous.



The gme looks purdy, no doubt about that. Eternity's Child has the rather emo story of a boy whose wings were cut off. He's trying to find his fellow winged people, who are hated and persecuted in a post apocalyptic world. A 2D platformer, the game is visually stunning, but gameplay videos have been less than impressive. Hopefully, they'll be able to shore up the gameplay before its unknown release.















(Posted with permission from BengaBenga's 2008 Wii games thread)

The name may be super Japanese (wait until you see the kanji!) but it all translates to an action RPG with swords and shurikens.

In Youtouden, you take control of Kisuke and Princess Momo in a quest to recover a legendary sword. The two must face off against rival samurai as well as more mythical creatures such as fairies and one-eyed giants.

The game promises high-speed ninja action that anyone can play thanks to the Wiimote. We don't have specifics, but the game will feature a combination of button and waggle-based gameplay, allowing players to take part in non-stop battles that will remind some of playing sword fighter as a child (sword fighter is presumably the Japanese equivalent of cops and robbers).



(Posted with permission from BengaBenga's 2008 Wii games thread)

A puzzle-shooter," is how Bplus art director Bernd Geiblinger describes the first third-party game ever announced for WiiWare. "In a shooter, fast aiming and pinpoint shooting are required; in a puzzle game you have to put on the thinking cap and make up some good tactics. Combining both of them, Plättchen is a completely new and unseen challenge."



The fourth exercise game for the Wii, Yoga Wii will be launching this month. It faces competition from Wii Fit, EA Fitness, and Wii Yoga (yes, they're different).



THIS is what the balance board is all about. Japanese gamers will soon have the ability to hula in this Balance-Board requiring title. It's going to be released in September. Sadly, there's no word yet about localization.



The original Blue Dragon by Mistwalker is widely considered to be a mediocre RPG. For its sequel, Mistwalker is moving it to the DS, and changing the genre to Strategy RPG. The only thing the two seem to share is the cast, which will be returning in its entirety. It releases in August in Japan, and with no localization announced yet it's probably not going to be at E3.



From the makers of the most recent Yoshi's Story, The World of Golden Eggs for the Wii is a rhythm game that uses the wiimote and nunchuk. It's a tie-in with a Japanese CGI movie, which probably won't make it overseas, so don't expect it to release out here...ever.



A WiiWare game in which you toss bags. Why, at what, to what end, etc. are all questions that are unanswered. Probably for a reason.



(Posted from Naznatips' 2008 DS games thread)

In this DS port of Goichi Suda's (never released in America) PS2 game, you play an Assassin who's ordered to board a plane and diffuse a bomb. Unfortunately, you don't make it in time, and the plane blows up, but when you wake up the next day it's the day before again, and you have another chance. Think Groundhog's Day combined with Run Lola Run.



(Posted from Naznatips' 2008 DS games thread)

Inazuma Eleven is a Soccer RPG. Yes, that sounds weird, but it's being made by famed RPG developer Level 5. It is their 5th Nintendo DS game. The game sets out to combine anime sports style with RPG gameplay. It's completely stylus controlled. There is a 6 minute gameplay video of it here.



From the sounds of it, this title is simply Mario Super Sluggers, but with the Mario liscense replaced with Little League. It even includes the "waggle to run faster" feature. Look for Little League World Series later this year.

The next game in the set-to-be-milked series, Guitar Hero: World Tour looks to take a page out of rival Rock Band's book by including drums and vocals. It then seeks to surpass its rival with a new slide-neck on the guitar, which permits more freedom during the solos, and with a create-your-own-song feature, which will allow players to have (almost!) unlimited freedom with making their own tunes. Additionally, Neversoft is doing what Harmonix insists is impossible: it's bringing DLC to the Wii (storage solution plz). Look for it this Winter.

The next time you get into a console warz with someone, make sure to bring this game up. Pitfall: The Big Adventure is a Wii-exclusive game announced a few months back. If the screenshots look familiar, it's because they're identical to those of the Gamecube Pitfall game: IGN's podcast even showed that the first screenshot released was the next frame for a publicity shot of the Gamecube version.

"Fish fans might look forward to this iteration, though, which captures "the adrenaline-pumping intensity of sport fishing." If that statement just sent thrills throughout your body, you should also know that Fishing Frenzy lets you catch twenty-five of the world's most sought after fish. So ... woot?"

Not a whole lot of details are known about this Activison game, aside from the fact that it's coming this Fall for the DS and Wii. The first Wii game was a...decent...rhythm game in the vein of Samba de Amigo: hopefully, this one will be even better.

Before World Tour, Aerosmith, or even On Tour had released, Activison announced the next Guitar Hero game: Guitar Hero Metallica. Not much else is known about this game yet, but if Aerosmith is anything to judge by it will predominantly feature Metallica music, with a few "opening acts", and it will probably have a relatively small setlist. Look for it in 2009.

A racing game involving Ferraris, which is the only way most of us will ever touch the damn things, Ferrari Challenge will be arriving on the DS and the Wii this Fall. The Wii version will have online play: no details on the DS version were announced.

The latest game in the Spiderman series, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows will be releasing to the Wii and the DS. Timing is the key to successful moves and attacks, with players able to purchase new moves by gaining experience points. There's also a good-and-evil aspect to the game, with players able to switch into the black suit and back at will. The suits have different abilities, and the length of time you spend wearing each suit morphs Spider-Man's personality. It releases in December.

Call of Duty: World at War will be receiving a version on the Wii. Activision has recently started to take the system fairly seriously (some hiccups excluded), and they are promising that the game will run on the Call of Duty 4 engine (downscaled, of course), that it will have online play, and other sweet nothings that Wii owners want to hear. The game returns to World War II, only instead of storming the beaches at Normandy players will be storming the beaches of Iwo Jima. An increased emphasis on ambushes, suicide attacks, and close-quarter combat might serve to distinguish this game from the myriad of other WWII titles.



A survival horror game for the DS, Theresia has an artsyle that's quite pleasing. The game takes place from a first-person perspective, with players gathering clues while generally trying to stay alive. The developers are hinting at some fairly messed up things, so keep an eye on this game.



G1 Jokey Wii 2008 is a game that will probably never leave Japan. It centers around horse racing, a popular genre in that country. Players buy, trade, breed, train, and race horses, competing to win it all with their stable. New to the Wii version is Balance Board support, to make the racing sequences a bit more involving.



The type of light-gun game that appeals to the cheapskate in all of us, Wild West Guns will be available for WiiWare for $10 whenever Nintendo decides to stop picking its nose and start releasing Virtual Console and WiiWare games again. The game is likely to be short, but it will feature Zapper support while costing less than half of what Game Party does.



It seems a mildly amusing title just got Manhunt two'd. What was once Beer Pong: Frat Party Games has been renamed Frat Party Games: Pong Toss to silence ESRB critics. It's also removed the beer (it's now just juice), despite some lawyer's claim that the game will still encourage underage drinking. God and Nintendo alone know when it's coming out.





These games are only rumors or ideas. They may show up, but they probably won't. If even three of these games pop up, I'll be stunned. Let me know if I'm missing anything.





After Twilight Princess, Nintendo pledged that Zelda would be going in a new direction. Since then, we've seen Phantom Hourglass, although that title was being developed alongside Princess, so we'll be kind and exclude it for the purpose of this discussion. Twilight Princess was rumored to have been all but completed in 2005, with its release being withheld so as to coincide with the Wii's release. If this is true, then the Zelda team will have had two and a half years to work on a Wii-sequel. Unfortunately for this theory, Miyamoto revealed this year that the Zelda team has only recently been reassembled. It is possible that the series was passed on to someone new, so as to freshen it up, but this seems unlikely to me.

Elite Beat Agents. Too many of you f***tards didn't buy it, and may you thus be eternally damned. The game's predecessor, Ouendan, had a sequel released last year, but Nintendo's been mum about the Agents. Reggie expressed disappointment with this game's sales, but was still mulling over turning the game into the franchise it was meant to be. The game's director has also expressed a strong interest in creating a sequel. However, if rumors are true, the developer iNis probably has its hands full developing Lips for the 360, which means any sequel will have to wait.

And I repeat, all of you who didn't buy this game can suck my...

Nintendo has teased the possibility of a Wii Star Fox for a while now. Considering that they're in the "bridge" phase, and that shoot-'em-ups often offer a nice balance between accessability and complexity, I think Nintendo's definitely working on a sequel. Whether work is far enough along to reveal anything at E3 is a different question. Miyamoto expressed interest in having more personal input into the next Star Fox than he had with Adventures and Assault, and he probably has more time on his hands now that Wii Fit isn't his obsession, but between Pikmin, Wii Music, and whatever the Zelda team's working on, will he have time to oversee this game? I'm skeptical, but I'd love to be wrong.

The Mother/Earthbound series is technically wrapped up (for now), but only one of the three games has been released outside Japan. If Surfer Girl is correct, though (and her record's decent enough), we'll see another Mother game before the year's over. I was originally hoping for a compilation on the DS, but the recent rating of Earthbound by the ESRB makes me suspect that Mother will be limited to a Virtual Console release this year, which would deprive us of Mother 3 yet again.

Miyamoto has previously expressed disappointment with the F-Zero series, which he has had little to do with after F-Zero X. While he did praise GX (although not its disappointing sales), Miyamoto was generally harsh on the GBA installments, and unlike other series he has not promised F-Zero a future in the Nintendo line-up. In fact, he's referred to F-Zero as the type of game that is better off with a traditional controller, rather than the Wii's. Nonetheless, he did enjoy GX, and has expressed an interest in revitalizing franchises which have recently underperformed (by Nintendo standards). I doubt we'll see F-Zero this year, but perhaps the next...?

The Metroid Prime remake seems to be dead: while the first two games were rumored to be remade with Wii controls, a la Corruption, Nintendo's officially denied the project. That said, this wouldn't be the first time in its history that Nintendo's denied that a game's being made, only to reveal that same game a few months later. Supporting this rumor is the fact that three of Retro's top employees left recently, allegedly because of disagreements with Nintendo. Still, my personal guess is that we won't be seeing the entire Prime Trilogy compiled and updated in one place anytime soon.

That said, we do know that Retro was working on a second project while Corruption was under development. According to Surfer Girl, this game is both a Zelda game and an original IP, depending on when you ask him. One popular theory has it as being Raven Blade, an original game Retro was working on for the Gamecube before it became exclusively concerned with Metroid. Perhaps this is it's turn? They certainly would have had enough time to unveil something...

This is the one we know the least about. Metroid Dread's been rumored to have existed for years, but to the best of my knowledge it's never formally been confirmed. The closest we've ever come is a single line in a scanned terminal in Corruption: "Metroid project Dread is nearing completion." Shortly after the game was released, though, Nintendo said there was no Dread. Personally, I'm choosing to believe that it exists, probably as a DS title, but perhaps for WiiWare. Still, I doubt it'll show up at E3.

(With thanks to Claude for the reminder)

Last year, a teaser for Golden Sun 3 was shown at E3. It turns out the whole thing was a hoax, and the people who did it are bad, bad men, but it led to interviewers asking the Takahashi brothers about the possibility. They responded that Nintendo had actually asked them to do a sequel, but that their company was too small to work on multiple projects, so the whole thing was sidelined. Now, Camelot is free, and they're evidently working on not one but two separate titles. The problem we have is that they've only recently wrapped up work on We Love Golf!, so there's definitely not enough time for them to have anything worth revealing at E3. Still, I'm fairly confident that a sequel is coming within the next two years.

Please ignore Sega's logo on this mock-up. We know that Treasure is working on two separate games for the Wii. We know that neither of them is Wario Land, as that's being handled by a separate developer. We know interest in Sin and Punishment has been increasing recently, with a Virtual Console release and a cameo in Brawl. We know that Treasure's historical reluctance to do sequels is wearing off. And we know that the president of Treasure has at least been considering this game for a year now. All in all, I think there's actually a strong chance that this game is coming, and I'll offer even odds that it'll show up at E3. If it doesn't, then their other game almost certainly will.

NGamer is reporting that Punch Out! will be returning to the Wii at E3. The game will feature Balance Board support, and presumably the same wacky, borderline offensive cultural steretypes that make the other two entries so fantastic. Making the rumor more plausible is the fact that Nintendo registered the trademark for Punch-Out Wii in 2005, and renewed it early last year, although keep in mind that applying for patents that never get used is pretty common.


(With thanks to Claude for reminding me this title exists)

Consider this one speculation on top of speculation. The director of Final Fantasy XII (and creator of games like Ogre Battle and Final Fantasy Tactics) left that project midstream, and turned hermit for a bit. Now, he's working on an RPG for the Wii, and has been at least since 2006. However, we have no other details about it, not even who's publishing it, so it's uncertain whether the game still exists. If it does, however, Nintendo is a good fit for a publisher, since it had to know its RPG line-up would start out weak. This would also mark its second year anniversary, making E3 a good time to debut it. Color me skeptical on this one, but considering the man brought me two of my favorite SRPGs (beaten only by Ogre Battle 64), I really really want to be wrong.

"We'll kick off the next 20 years of Nintendo Power with more big reveals, including a top-secret cover story fit for a king. It's got a lot of heart. Just kidding. It's Mother 3. Just kidding. Please look forward to it." Nintendo Power closed its latest issue with this image and those words, and that's all we know about what game they're referring to. Considering that Nintendo Power brought us Castlevania Judgment and Mega Man 9, their stock is rather high right now, so whatever game they're teasing may well be the first the world hears of it!

Alternatively, it could be like the Tales of Symphonia "revelation" that we've known about for months.

A few months back, IGN told us in their podcast about a new game that's going to be announced soon exclusively for the Wii, with the whole game being built entirely with the Zapper in mind. Our only hint is "do want." Publisher, developer, and date are all unknown.



A third Namco RPG for the Wii, and the one we know the least about. Initially announced before the system's release, all we've heard of Legendia since is that it is not an installment in the Tales series, and that it was still in development (although both announcements were in 2007). Considering the fact that Fragile probably won't show up at E3, Legendia is all but guaranteed not to.

There have been rumors for some time that Namco was working on a Time Crisis game for the Wii. It makes sense: Sega and Capcom have shown that Wii light gun games can be quite lucrative, even with a minimum of effort, and Time Crisis still has its fans. If they are working on a sequel, the Wii is the logical platform, as Time Crisis 4 on the PS3...didn't do so well. For now, I'm thinking this is a long shot, but if they do announce a compilation they'll have my money.

In 2007 Beautiful Katamari was announced for the 360 and PS3. This rumor surfaced shortly thereafter, saying that work on the PS3 version was dropped in favor of one for the Wii. While the timing would be about right, it assumes that a developer would rather start a game from scratch for the Wii, rather than spend the few million extra it takes to port a game from teh 360 to the PS3, so treat this one with caution.


Whispers on the internet place Tom Clany's HAWX as having a Wii version in development to along with the HD ones. A pretty looking modern day dogfighting game in the vein of Ace Combat, HAWX is being listed by IGN and some retailers as having a Wii version, although we've received no official word on the matter. E3 would be a good time to announce it if it exists, though...


In 2006, Sega announced a partnership with Obsidian to create an RPG for next (now current) gen systems. The RPG would be based on the Alien movies. It's been two years of radio silence ever since, but now would be a good time to reveal some details about it. At the very least, tell us what system it's for!

(Thanks to Celine for the info and the link)

Platinum Games came out of the game swinging when they announced their three games, but it turns out they still have one in reserve. Headed by Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Dino Crisis, Godhand), the project has only been in development for three or four months now, and he's holding off on unveiling it until more work is completed. For now, we don't know the genre or the system, but with Mikami at the helm we do know it's going to be pretty damn good.

Every year since the original released, there's been at least one rumor that Skies of Arcadia 2 is in development, and every year Arcadia fans go home disappointed. This year has continued the first trend: time will tell if the second one holds true as well. Still, since Sega's private event has already passed with nary a peep about this game (despite rumors to the contrary), I'd put this title's chances at just above that of Shenmue 3. Speaking of which...

Google "Shenmue 3." Go ahead, I can wait. Do you see how many folks not only want to believe, but somehow already do? A Shenmue sequel is perennially rumored, and eternally a no-show. Which is too bad: for all its flaws, the Shenmue series was unique. But its massive budget ($70 million for the first game) was never recouped by Sega, and the sequel didn't do too hot either, so don't count on the trilogy being completed anytime soon.

Why settle for one Shemue rumor when you can get two? This one, though, is a bit more plausible. Port-happy Sega is rumored to be bringing a compilation of Shenmue 1 and 2 to the Wii. Theoretically some Swedish magazine posted this in May, although I've heard nothing since. Final verdict: don't hold your breath.

(With thanks to Soriku for pointing me in the right direction)

At the beginning of the year, Sonic creator Yuji Naka created a new studio, partially funded by Sega. He is rumored to be working on a Wii title. With only 37 employees, a Wii or DS title is the logical conclusion, although Sega can always bring in more manpower to work on other consoles if the need arises. Still, with only a few months since its inception, it's highly unlikely that Naka's studio is beyond the planning phase for any title they may be working on.



A fun adventure game series that managed to survive the lean times, Broken Sword is all but certain to be coming to the DS. The developers began an online petition to gauge interest, and later told an interviewer that the interview should have taken place a month later. Expect word on it before August.


Suikoden VI has been in the works at Konami since 2006, with the precise platform remaining unspecified. Since then, there have rumors that it will surface on the Wii. Still it doesn't seem too likely: the Wii was popularly expected to fail in 2006, and more recent rumors have pegged the title as coming to the PSP. As of now, Konami hasn't breathed a word on the subject for two years, so don't count this chicken as hatched just yet.

(With thanks to Soriku for telling me about the rumor)

Snatcher is a cult favorite of many gamers, including Shinji Mikami. Back in 2006, it was rumored that Suda51 and Hideo Kojima were teaming up to make a Wii game. In 2007, Mikami mentioned that he loved Snatcher, to which Suda51 and Kojima replied "ooh, Snatcher" "Should we tell everyone yet?" Putting two and two together, it seems like Snatcher is coming to the Wii. There are just two problems with that: first, the mention of it being on the Wii are old and highly speculative (although we know Suda51's been doing a lot of his work on the system). Secondly, Kojima's been busy on some-game-or-other these past few years, so he wouldn't have much free time to make Snatcher, while Suda's been working on No More Heroes and Fatal Frame. So if there is a Snatcher game, and if it is coming out for the Wii, chances are slim that it will be coming this year.


The criminally underappreciated Valkyrie Profile series has a Japanese DS game to its credit, but there has been no official word of its arrival here in the west. That may be about to change, as Square-Enix registered a trademark in June, called "Covenant of the Plume." The reasoning tying that to Valkrie Profile seems rather roundabout, but I'll pass it along anyhow.



Try not to read too far into this, but a year ago Id Software's president displayed some interest in the Wii. Not, mind you, in actually making a game for it, or in porting over some of their older stuff, but in partnering with someone to make a powerful engine for it. While this probably isn't going to lead anywhere, if Id carried through it's possible they'd hawk whatever they came up with at E3, possibly via whatever game their partner developed on the engine.


A sequel to the fantastic Zak and Wiki has been rumored for a while now, ever since Capcom revealed that it was pleased with the game's sales. Supposedly, the game would be unveiled at CAPTivate. Obviously, that didn't happen. And now Capcom executive (and my archnemesis) Svensson is telling people not to expect a sequel to Zak and Wiki anytime soon (although he did not rule out the possibility of one arriving some day). For now, it looks like we'll have to get our flying monkey quota elsewhere, people.


We know that Gabe Newell really, really likes the Wii. We know that he, and Valve, have expressed an interest in making a Wii game that's suitable for children as soon as they're not quite as swamped as usual. From these rumors, teh internetz has put them down as creating a Wii game in 2010. It'd be awesome if it's true, but 1) all of this is pure speculation and 2) that's a really long time away. Even if the rumor is true, don't expect Valve to admit anything at this year's E3.

There are a lot more games, rumors, and franchises that Nintendo could reveal two weeks from now, but I'd like to turn the floor over to you guys for a bit. Do you see anything I missed, or any place I was wrong? Care to add your own speculation and reasoning? Let me know what y'all think.