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Eh, i still can't see Xbox going for aggressive exclusivity when the trends of recent years has seen fewer and fewer games being locked to one console, and the fact they've already said they'll keep their biggest new acquisition, COD, on the competition. Microsoft's focus has been less and less on trying to push hardware and more and more on pure profit going back years now. Elder Scrolls 6 on PS5 is just too lucrative for a company with this focus to pass up on.

trunkswd said:

Following the latest UK and Europe charts released by GamesIndustry I've adjusted our estimates. Although, it should be noted the Europe charts don't include UK, Germany and a few smaller markets in Europe.

New worldwide totals following adjustments:

  1. NS: 106,467,372
  2. PS5: 18,709,382
  3. XSX|S: 13,867,499

New worldwide figures for April 2, 2022:

  1. NS: 344,026
  2. XSX|S: 230,758
  3. PS5: 185,950

New Europe totals:

  1. NS: 28,101,781
  2. PS5: 6,858,040
  3. XSX|S: 4,118,351

New Europe figures for April 2, 2022:

  1. NS: 81,266
  2. XSX|S: 44,962
  3. PS5: 44,273

So how much was each platform adjusted up/down?