PotentHerbs said:
But how many people paid full price for a GamePass subscription rather than using a $1 conversion? What about people who subbed for a month to try out some games during the holidays and afterwards let their subscription lapse? Or people who tried out FH5 but dropped it within a couple of hours? Those are factors you would need to consider if you want to point out Uncharted 4 has been bundled for years, which personally, I think is a bit hyperbolic. To add, Sony sold around 60M units of first party software in 2020, bundles are not nearly as prevalent as some want to believe when it comes to PlayStation first party game sales. The point being, while player numbers are a good indicator of a games popularity, an evergreen title like GT7 could end up with 30M - 40M players despite selling only 20M+ units lifetime similar to Uncharted 4. |
A lot of the same scenarios you mentioned can be pointed out for retail games, how many games returned the game, how many stopped playing after a few minutes, or how many people stopped playing. These are metrics we don’t have numbers for so it’s useless to speculate and bring it up. We can only speculate on numbers we have like sales, sub numbers, player count, active player and using these metrics it’s not absurd to say that Forza could possibly be more popular than GT these days.
also I’m not saying that Uncharted is unpopular it’s a big IP and sold plenty outside of bundles, just pointing out that a game being bundled for many years will probably have a higher player count than a game in subscription service like gamepass.