The_Liquid_Laser said: I'm going to go ahead and call this generation for XBox over PS5. XBox is kicking ass in the Americas, and sales for the two systems are fairly close in Europe. The only place PS5 has a big lead over XBox is in Japan, and things do not bode well for PS5 long term in Japan. Most importantly, XBox sales are going really well and they haven't even released any of their big Bethesda or Activision exclusives yet. I just don't see PS5 having much hope in making a comeback. |
I think the acquisitions Microsoft has made (companies that always made multi platform games suddenly being available for Gamepass for free and potentially as Microsoft exclusive games) vs. the ones Sony has made (companies that already were mainly or only making exclusives for PlayStation, still mostly selling for $60-70 each) already established, in my mind, that Xbox would overcome PlayStation globally next generation. But combine that with the shortage of supplies for PS5's compared to the collective Series lineup, and it's possible it could happen this generation.