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Hiku said:

It's a state owned news agency, and they went into detail about how:
- The MAJORITY of the Ukranian polulation are nazi.
- All Ukranian's who take up arms (including civilians protecting their homes) MUST BE ELLIMINATED and are responsible for genocide of Russian people.
- That their nazism is far more dangerous to the world than Hitler's was.
- That denazification means de-Ukrainianisation.
- That ordinary Ukrainians MUST EXPERIENCE ALL THE HORRORS OF WAR and absorb the experience as a historical lesson and atonement for their guilt.

This is absolutely horrifying, and may explain why raped and murdered women had swastikas' carved into their bodies.
Russian state media is basically calling for and justifying genocide by dehumanizing the majority of the Ukranian population as nazis. They say that doing what they did in Crimea won't work this time. Ordinary Ukranian's must suffer all the horrors of war.

Ryuu96 said:

Warning: Very Graphic

Seeing this video and then reading the reason mentioned above made my stomach churn. Truly disgusting, Putin is comparing Ukraine with Nazi Germany while he himself is acting like a fusion of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler on steroids.

I'm sad. Sad about what happens to Ukrainians, but also about the Russian people who don't believe Putin's lies and are basically trapped in their own country.