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I played Need for Speed II a whole lot back in the days. It was an amzing little game, too bad newer entries of the series suck so bad.
When I got my PSP in 2005, I played Ridge Racer and enjoyed it quite a bit. And of course I played Mario Kart since the very first one on the SNES and you really can't go wrong with that game.

Other than that I don't play too many racing games. I remember getting Gran Turismo for the PS4 when I got the PSVR. But the graphics were just utterly disgusting, Driveclub looked a whole lot better. Oh, and Wipeout in VR was pretty darn amazing!

All in all I prefer arcade style racing games. I don't need realism. That is true for every genre in my case though.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.