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We're dropping mask requirements here in Ontario on the 21st. I guess they're not that effective anymore anyway. Just got to stay away from anyone coughing...

Life is slowly returning back to normal. My supermarket has ditched the line up and alternating check out lines to give people time to pack, it's a free for all again. Cart cleaning was abandoned last year already and now the left over diy cleaning station is usually out of cleaning supplies. A shame, it was a lot more organized with clean carts, one way traffic in isles and one line up, wait to be called for the next available checkout lane.

What will take much longer to return to normal is getting a doctor, dentist or optometrist appointment. All still overbooked. A friend of my wife has to wait until August to see a doctor to get a badly needed prescription change approved... But as long as you don't get sick, get a tooth ache or need new glasses, things are getting back to normal. I do still need new glasses but have learned to see without them lol.

A heads up for the Americans, gas prices at the pump have increased 30 cents per liter here since the sanctions. During the pandemic it was down to 75 cents a liter, now it's 1.83 per liter and is expected to hit 1.95 a liter on Thursday.