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Alright, Disaster and Dragon Blade in September.  Batallion Wars 2, Manhunt 2, and RE: Umbrella Chronicles in October.  Soulcalibur, NiGHTS, and Fire Emblem in November.  Damn, I'm going to be spending a lot and we still don't even have release dates for No More Heroes, Mario, and Smash Bros.

One thing really pisses me off, though.  We have to wait until frickin October to get Manhunt 2.  I'm sure there's a long complicated process involved, but 3 damned months to cut some content out of a game?  They wouldn't have to take out much, Postal 2 got an M rating and the violence in that game is absurd.  It's amazing how much they can actually get away with in games.  They can't get away with squat in movies, that's why half of the horror movies released have an unrated version.  I saw Hostel and I can't believe how overhyped the violence in that movie was, there were only like 2 minutes of torture scenes and the really gross stuff happened off camera(like the guy getting holes drilled in him).  Compare that to some 1970s Italian horror movies and you'll see just how tame R-rated movies are.  They definitely went way too far if it got an AO rating. *sigh*  I just hope it's worth the wait.  I hope it sells well, too.  They might make a GTA game on the Wii if it does.

*EDIT - Nevermind, it looks like they're going the legal route instead which means this game probably won't be out in October.  Why don't they just swallow their pride and cut out some of the content in the game?  Rockstar always had to push the limits of the M rating and they finally pushed it to far. They need to live with ratings system, it's far more lenient than moves.