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The reason software sales (box/ps) is so incredible low.. not making any sense.. is becourse those console are not in japan japan the number of ps players fall every year.. and MS is still totally dead.

Only reason they sell is becourse its hard to find them in other contries... so they IMPORT from japan... It should not be hard to understand that the only thing we have to go by in a "semiconductor fuckt world" are software sales.. So ps5 has sold 1 mill.. but i will bet that only... mayby 300.000 are still in the contry.

Let me add that gamepass makes it a litle harder to see if any japaness mayby has "gone to the dark side".. and I do think that MS will sell better than lastgen (in japan.. ww I think they will sell much more)

Last edited by FromDK - on 08 March 2022