SanAndreasX said:
People clamoring for NFZs seem to be under the impression that Putin is just going to say, "Oh, the United States told us we couldn't fly over Ukraine, so we'd better turn around and go home, boys." Or that some magical barrier is going to appear over Ukrainian airspace. |
Yeah, which is illogical. But I also think assuming Putin, or at least some on-field commanders, won't back down at all is illogical. The reality is, the mentality of the Russian soldiers is, based on captured troops, intercepted information, spies within the Kremlin, etc, one of worry and concern, and that's just dealing with Ukraine. If Russians find out they have been given the clear to engage Americans and NATO allies, then I'd imagine we can expect a lot more "throwing the guns down and running away" like the Iraqi army. Especially since they are the ones invading and not defending. The number of Russian AWOLS would skyrocket if Russia goes at it with NATO.