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Jumpin said:
Kakadu18 said:

Pokémon gen 9 releasing this holiday is not impacting their decision to launch Zelda this year. Or do you think Nintendo decided for gen 9 to release this year only last week?

That’s my thoughts, too. They’re mostly two different demographics with two different target audiences. While overlap exists, it’s not enough that they’re going to push one of the games months and months away. Both games could sell 8 million+ opening week if they were released the same week. They might have a 1-2 week buffer for ad space bandwidth. Nintendo will probably want to go full blast on ads during each game’s launch week.

Yeah, I don't get the "Pokemon 9 is coming so BotW2 must not be" argument. The two have nothing to do with one another, and Nintendo has no rule or precedent for not releasing two major games during a holiday season. I typically expect either one or two major first party games to release during the holidays, there is nothing strange about 2 games. Like 2018 had Let's Go and Smash. Probably one will hit in November and the other in early December, with a couple weeks between them.